Wanted: The Comic

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    It’s not often that you see a film and then read the comic and think that the virtually unrelated film was actually better, but that’s what I did with ‘Wanted’.

    Premise: Wesley Gibson works in a dead-end job, with a cheating GF and a treacherous best mate. It’s a crap life until his sexually perverted father gets his head blown off and Wesley get recruited by super villains to act as his replacement.

    Firstly, in the comic Wesley is Emminem, Not looks like Emminem, but practically IS Emminem. He also goes from being a weedy, pathetic twenty four year old, whom you have not respect or compassion for, to an arrogant, mass-murdering, rapist whom you have even less respect or compassion for.

    The story is a nice idea, but there’s no retribution, character development or moral that I can think of other than the one at the end where Wesley tells the reader “You’re a pathetic nobody and I’m fucking you up the ass.”

    Maybe Pharty might buy it just for the final page, but that’d be a waste. It’s nothing like the film although I can’t imagine how on earth they managed to get a film studio to touch the script if they’d seen this comic.

    “So the hero is a mass-murdering rapist? So I guess he comes good in the end huh?”


    “Erm. So he gets his comeuppance?”


    “So what does he do in the end?”

    “Fucks the reader up the ass.”

    Only read if you like to be metaphorically fucked up the ass by somebody who looks like Emminem and talks like some of those kids who hang around outside petrol stations acting like 50 Cent.

    xdc the doc

    Lol – fantastic review.

    So is the film actually worth seeing?


    film is very pacy. Keeps you on yer toes just dont think too hard about it 😉

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