Thx for having me. It’s been always an pleasure to play with you all or against.
Yes I’m from Winland and live in a city called Kotka(120km east from Hellsinki) got 3 kids as Maxine mentioned in the other topic….vodka is ok but It has a paralyzing effect to my feet so I prefer beer 😆
And what comes to me being quiet on ts that’s because my kids sleep upstairs so can’t speak up that much. But least im listening and it makes the game whole lot better and sometimes even funnier: “damn that magnum” 8)
PK=PeltizKru well we are bunch of friends who got to know each other way back when we played Global Operations. Now only few of us(dkill,tr-anssi and RapyLarry) play regularly so I thought asking for some xdc oh sry XDC tags as I tend to play like 9/10times with you 😉
Just some answers to questions in the recruiment topic..