WET – do you use Gurnell?

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    Some cabbie was chopsing off in the swimming changing rooms. Was wondering if it was you :mrgreen:

    XDC wild egg tamer

    not me, currently in Italy!

    I have used the pool and am a member of the gym; remember chatting to one of the gym chaps a good while back about the army, said he was joining the Paras and was doing a shit load of training to get into shape. Asked him if he was ready for the milling and he wasn’t too worried as he had done martial arts etc. I wondered after i left that day if it was you i had been chatting to!


    No, definately not me, but I know who it was.

    always wonder if the black cab I am cutting up whilst on my bicycle is you 😆

    XDC wild egg tamer

    probably not! Work at Heathrow a lot now or else in town at night…….too many fucknugget cyclists around who haven’t got a clue how to ride a bike!! 😉

    Doh! forgot to ask, did that fella make it into the paras ? He seemed focussed enough.


    No idea, if he passed the intake tests he’ll most likely be in training at Catterick. Might see him in Colchester one day. Obviously not as hard as me 😉

    XDC wild egg tamer



    humm Catterick , remember doing my training there back in the early 90’s I wonder if the appropriatly named “Helles Barracks” is still there?


    Yup yup, I was at Helles. Majority of the accommodation blocks are new though. Argh! Horrible place!!!

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