What Servers next

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    Chaps, we have discussed the dedicated servers so please let me know as renewal is imminent.

    Vote, now please


    dont play anything else but 2142, voted for a dedicated 2142.


    voted leave BF Sever and change RO to Dedicated. I am right in assuming with the dedicated box you can run multiple games on the same box eg 1x 32 TF2 and 1xCOD4?

    Answers on a postcard please.




    Wheres the Madmax is a selfish cock button?

    Going passed BF2142 is the best game since sliced bread bollocks, consider the ones who dont play it but still pay for the server you play on who would also like a server to play a game they prefer on.. you ghey!

    I voted for dedicated for both.. but am quite happy with Lammies vote also


    Voted for 4th option.


    Can’t see BF1942 and BF2? 😉


    @Lammie wrote:

    voted leave BF Sever and change RO to Dedicated. I am right in assuming with the dedicated box you can run multiple games on the same box eg 1x 32 TF2 and 1xCOD4?

    Answers on a postcard please.

    Yes, you can change to any of several games with a dedicated box


    No you misunderstood the question. What i meant was can you run TF2 and COD4 on the same box at the same time so say TF2 has an IP of 162.43.120 101 and COD has an IP of so in essence multiple game servers running on the same box?


    basically what the rats have!

    They have like 4 servers running or more I think on a couple of server machines 🙂

    I think dedicated would be good as we need:

    BF2 for Forgotten Hope 2 thats coming next month
    BF2142 for the maxes
    COD4 as proably quite a few will play this
    TF2 as this seems to be doing the rounds just now!

    So how that works out 😛


    @Lammie wrote:

    No you misunderstood the question. What i meant was can you run TF2 and COD4 on the same box at the same time so say TF2 has an IP of 162.43.120 101 and COD has an IP of so in essence multiple game servers running on the same box?

    Think we would need a more expensive dedicated server to do that


    OK no probs, just curious 😉


    yeah see.. i asked that the other day and was told i was sitting on me head.. I’m not as stupid as you look OP it seems 😀

    anyhoos I thought that was the whole point of a dedicated server.. that you could run 2 or more whatevers or so as you please.. go back to multigay.. get some proper answers then come back and feed us the info .. then we’ll decide.. fooking Arthur Job you are 🙂

    If it makes sense combined with cost.. perhaps leave BF2142 server as it is thus saving pennies to put towards a dedicated server as I cant see the 2142 server getting changed in the near future with queers like Madmax running it.. Then use the pennies saved to make the second server dedicated where we can run a couple opf games off it.. like RO and TF2 or TF2 and COD4 or BF2 + FH and COD 4 etc etc

    If all that fails.. we should disband XDC and become Rats because they seem to have money to burn, and less members than us 🙂


    No they don’t pal, struggling for moolah over there as well, same probs as we have.



    You can more than one server at a time, but at the server spec I am looking at, it would probably mean 2 smaller servers (i.e 16 player BF & 16 player RO) rather than 2 x 32 player. Its not the rule, just what I reckon the hardware can take. read the above stuff Lammie posted, it makes sense, its not hard, even Max can get a bit of it

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