where is everyone?

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    been sat on TS a bit this week and there only ever seems to be queeks and jar online, has everyone grown bored of playing?


    I don’t log on when I play because no one talks to me 😆

    xdc the doc

    lol – brutal 🙂 I promise to log in this week – will be nice to catch up with you wolf… whats zigzag up to?


    he got married last june, now living in Hong Kong with his teeny tiny chinese wife. He’s still around but the time zones are weird so I catch him every so often. He was here for the Mugworth testimonial game despite the fact it started at about 3 am his time! ??He has CoH as well, not sure on the lag (he has a beast of a machine and is debating between 50mb or 100 mb fibre optic at the moment, so I guess it would be ok). But watch out, he’s bloody good! I’m on in the evenings but only have BF1942 at the moment 🙁

    xdc the doc

    Spunker and i would kick ass back in the day… could take on the wolverines no sweat… bit out of practice though 🙂

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i was on TS today for a while whilst i had a game or 3 of BF1942………. 😀


    TS dont work with Xboxlive.. not that I was on it, but just letting you know


    I’m still around, Still playing BF2142 and EVE, stopped using TS after being the only one on it for about 3 months., Still see Max and Al on EO. Most of my time is split between the above two games.


    You know we really should resurrect #xdcuk on IRC, it’d make meeting up and keeping track of each other so much easier.


    That’s true, I miss IRC, was such fun when I was a true geek 😀

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @Alzir wrote:

    You know we really should resurrect #xdcuk on IRC, it’d make meeting up and keeping track of each other so much easier.

    didn’t you and i try this about 18 months ago ? sadly it never took off again, seemed a shame as it was a right good laugh at times.

    Guess it costs nothing to try 😀

    xdc magicker

    @To0THBRU5H wrote:

    I don’t log on when I play because no one talks to me 😆

    what he said..

    i thought my mike was borked the other night turns out i was just being ignored.

    i am not pretending I am a stunning conversationalist but it is nice to be acknowledged now and then,


    I talked to toothy this evening, had some fun games on bf1942, he’s a demon at that game, just make sure you’re on his team and you’ll be fine!


    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    he’s a demon at that game, just make sure you’re on his team and you’ll be fine!

    Awww shucks, thanks hun 😳 We were providing some good XDC top cover 😆

    Coral Sea is soooo much fun :mrgreen:

    Edit: If you guys are interested I always play on “BFO Coral Sea Patrol Boats” – http://bftracks.net/appl/bft/Live/server/239628 and I’m usually on TS as I play 😉


    Ive moved house… now sitting in a brand new room… whoop whoop! Need to get up in 6 hours to go to work 🙁 booooooo

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