which TV shows have been renewed / cancelled

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  • #19150
    xdc magicker


    heroes finally dead 🙁

    new supernatural woot

    more stargate universe to come


    Heroes should have died after season 1 anyway. its just went downhill after that

    xdc magicker

    i agree that it might have been best as a one off masterpiece (except the ending of season 1 would need to have been wayyyy better)

    however, the 2nd half of season 4 was rather enjoyable.


    the script strike that must have coincided with season 2 just killed it. And unfortunatly, even though it did improve slightly, it became like a relationship where the partner cheats but you stay with them. You give them a second chance but the trust has gone


    the script strike that must have coincided with season 2 just killed it

    I always thought that as well, and it wasn’t the only series to suffer because of the strike. I could never get into it again though after that series.

    Oh another note, if Stargate Universe is still going, has it got better or something? I watched up to about ep 10, but was incredibly bored.


    I got bored after the writers strike

    xdc magicker


    well there are still good eps and average eps..

    you are right.. something dramatic is needed it cant just go on as it is. I am hoping with news of a new season they might up their game and start taking some risks.

    to be honest since they increased julia benson’s role i stopped following the story lines

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