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    So there I am at work. I’m on break duty and hordes of teens are running about in feeble attempts to either fight or shag each other. Anyway, I got nattering to a science teacher on duty and told her that I went and saw “The Hurt Locker” (at last). I ruminated on the nature of the film as an existential depiction of nihilistic addiction; the portrayal of the entire Iraqi population as either imminent threat or helpless victim mirroring the mindset of the grunt and US foreign polciy in general and the exquisite use of tension as a plot driver.

    She turned to me and said, “I saw a brilliant film at the weekend too!”
    “Really?” I responded.
    “Yes, Marley and Me!”

    I finished my coffee and walked off. Western civilisation is doomed.


    Was she hot?


    Science teachers have too much to do preparing lessons and resources, can’t concentrate on a film whilst doing risk assessments for the umpteenth time. I know what you history boys are like, swan in, stick on the history channel, fall asleep at the back of class, mutter something about doing an essay, dismiss class (early if you can get away with it).

    Teach a proper subject!


    So did you enjoy Marley and Me then Wolf?




    I did actually watch this the other day only because I went to a mates house and he was watching it (he’s a journalist and I’m fairly sure a bit gay). FYI, it’s awful.

    I thought the Hurt Locker was a bit pants TBH, it did very little that Generation Kill did better. I did like the ridiculous cameos of big name actors though.

    My point stands though, History isn’t a real subject! 😉


    I liked body of lies much more.


    I saw that Hurt Locker film ages ago on a knock off Nigel copy. Kind of assumed that it was some kind of tongue in cheek piss take of a war film. What with that bloke refusing body armour and stripping down to his effing duds to diffuse bombs, picking up bombs by their wires, chucking his radio away, and the mandatory rescuing of the SAS again.

    Apparently though, it’s supposed to be serious. No, straight up, honest. It’s actually not supposed to be nonsense at all. Or so I’m told anyway.

    That being the case, I would urge you all to watch “Black Devil Doll”, which by those standards must be the most profound social commentary on the struggle of the average African American which has ever been made.


    My gf just called me to tell me she was having ‘another’ nose bleed… I told her she should probably go to the doc, and she hung up on me for not giving her enough sympathy…

    I just dont understand women!


    they’re not SAS fyi, they’re private security company hunting for the deck of cards blokes


    Turks – She’s a science teacher… what do you think? Geekarama

    Wolf – Oh, yeah the preparation of science teachers.. get your “technician” to do all the setting up. Get out some dry ice or magnesium… wow the kids with a party trick then get them to memorise the periodic table… reeaaaaally hard.

    SOIA – I disagree for once… for the first 20 mins I was thinking the same as you but watch it again as a satire of the moral flip-flopping US troops/ foreign policy. Having said that I’m off to see Green Zone this weekend for comparison. Will check out your recommendation though.


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    I just dont understand women!

    That’s why I’m single and planning to stay that way until I find a scuba-diving, amazonian temptress who plays Total War… this may take some time.


    get your “technician” to do all the setting up. Get out some dry ice or magnesium… wow the kids with a party trick then get them to memorise the periodic table… reeaaaaally hard.

    There are only so many tricks I can do, but the best one is to trick them into learning. And teaching them that biology isn’t a real science. I’m pretty hard on Chemistry too tbh. Don’t get me started on the other non science topics, beyond teaching them to read and write. I like maths though. That can stay on the curric.

    If I had my way it would be physics, maths, a bit of Chemistry and enough English to read a text book. The rest of the subjects just detract from learning more physics.

    At a push you could teach history of science, but no more!




    Totally accurate..

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