WTF do I want for Christmas?

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    Help me out fellas…..

    It’s that time of year again when everyone keeps asking “what do you want for Christmas? Can you make a list?”. And as per usual I don’t have a feckin’ clue.

    I’ve got a nice bottle of whisky on my list, but eff all else. I need suggestions for things up to, say, £30. Any good books you would recommend – preferably non-fiction? DVD’s? Handy gadget? Something bloody useless but quite cool?

    Please please don’t leave me to put “socks” or “slippers” down….that means I will have become an old gimmer and may as well be dead….. 🙁

    I eagerly (desperately!) await your suggestions 🙂


    Drugs ‘N’ Hookers, would that not be a good present ?


    Think you might want one of these babies….


    My current List:

    Leatherman (sounds remarkably like you name!)
    Chess set
    Worms Open Warfare 2
    Visual Basic 2005 for dummies
    Mini Tripod


    Call Of Duty 4!
    24 Season 6 (or 1 to 6 if you have them all but 6)
    Series 1 – 6 of Family Guy
    Electric salt/pepper dispenser complete with torch (they do exist, my mates got one.. superb device I have to say)


    If you don’t want anything why not ask for a donation to charity on your behalf. 🙄 😆 🙄


    car on mine

    crazy hippo

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    My current List:

    Leatherman (sounds remarkably like you name!)

    i have had my leatherman for almost 10 years now and its the most useful thing i have ever owned.


    This is an easy problem to solve. Just tell everyone that you don’t want anything for Christmas. Tell everyone that if there was anything you need you just go out and buy it.

    Then when Christmas comes around you can say to everyone that you didn’t get them a present cos they didn’t get you anything .

    That way it’s cheaper for you and you’re not given any crap you don’t actually need that’s going to clutter up your loft for the next 25 years.

    Either that or ask for Operation, Scalectrix and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Don’t ask for any Action Force though, the americans bought them and turned them into “GI Joe” and made them all gay. Absolutely shocking state of affairs.


    Either that or ask for Operation, Scalectrix and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Don’t ask for any Action Force though, the americans bought them and turned them into “GI Joe” and made them all gay. Absolutely shocking state of affairs.

    That’s catagorically not true. I’m selling my old Action Force figures on eBay and they would make an ideal christmas present, and come without the slightest whiff of up-hill gardening. I’ve got a Royal Marine, a Royal Marine Commando and an SAS Frogman all coming in under £30 each (plus P&P). Think about it; It’s christmas. You’re bored. There’s nothing on the telly and you’ve just drunk a whole bottle of whisky. Well that’s when a Royal Marine Action Force figure would be a god send! He comes with 4 moveable limbs and a rotating head, and is kitted out with an SLR (L1A1) and a spare box of ammo! It’s like an Action Man, but smaller! And if you colour in his beret with a permanent marker he can also double as a voodoo doll to use against Badger.

    All for £29.99 (plus P&P)

    It’s the christmas present you’ll never grow out of!

    Or you can have the excitement of taking part in ‘Neon’s Lucky Dip’ whereby you send me £30 and I send you some surprise gifts that may or may not be of equitable value. But that’s the surprise.


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Either that or ask for Operation, Scalectrix and Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Don’t ask for any Action Force though, the americans bought them and turned them into “GI Joe” and made them all gay. Absolutely shocking state of affairs.

    That’s catagorically not true.

    Oh but I’m sorry to say that it is very true Neon.

    Action Force started out like this:

    And ended up like this:

    Now Neon, if you are seriously telling me that there isn’t a distinct move towards uphill gardening going on with the Action Force to GI Joe transition I’d question whether you have a tendency towards being good with colours.


    oh you silly buns


    Thanks chaps. So from your replies here’s my candidate list:

      * Drugs & Hookers – Given the budget, I don’t think so. Also, not sure it’s something I could suggest my mother in law buy me.
      * Electronic toilet seat – no mechanical arm is getting remotely close to my arse, thankyou very much!
      * Leatherman – got one. Great piece of kit.
      * Chess set – Not a bad suggestion. Been a while since I’ve played, but having it on display will make me look smarter than I am.
      * Worms Open Warfare – don’t know what it is.
      * VB2005 book – Nah. C# FTW!.
      * Mini tripod – Got one. And three bigger ones too. Nice suggestion though.
      * COD4 – Good one! I’ll add that.
      * 24 DVD – Lost interest after the second series.
      * DVD of Family Guy – never watched it.
      * Electric condiments – Already got these. Complete with torch too!
      * Charity donation – Oh, c’mon…. 😉 Seriously, family and self already do a load of that throughout the year.
      * GI Joe/ Action Man – Sorry, waaay to gay for me.
      * Neon’s Lucky Dip – How would I explain that to my mum? 😯 😉

    But keep’em coming!*

    *unless you’re already bored by this thread.


    what about one of these big boxes of awesomeness


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