XDC Server: A good, hard game? Or a walk in the park

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  • #41192

    How do Silphy!

    Count ya chickens lucky mate.. I swear it was Me as the only XDC member on one side a few weeks ago against I kid you not about 12 *inc Max, Wipers, Badger, OP etc etc* XDC members on the other team.. one sided a lil but I still give em what for! RAAAWWR!!

    Luck was against me that day but in fareness it was how they entered the game from scratch

    Twas still a good game though ๐Ÿ˜€


    Silphy quite rightly said:

    hi Warrant Officer NeonSamurai Sir!
    T’was nice being wasted by you too, sir.

    That’s the attitude we want around here; People calling me ‘sir’ or ‘Warrant Officer NeonSamurai’ or possibly ‘My Lord’. Well done Silphy, hopefully the rest of XDC will soon follow your excellent example.


    That’s the attitude we want around here; People calling me ‘sir’ or ‘Warrant Officer NeonSamurai’ or possibly ‘My Lord’. Well done Silphy, hopefully the rest of XDC will soon follow your excellent example.

    Guess I won’t burst your bubble then and tell you I outrank you :lol

    And I can relate iNSANE, had a few games of that too. record was an entire full team once. Then there are only 2 things you can do: prepare to die a lot or take some cammo and try to take some tags ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    XDC MadHippy

    We take whatever team we get put on – If there’s a shortage on the other team we move.. Quite simple really.


    @11thSignal wrote:

    and getting knifed by Ronathon ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    lol, I don’t go out of my way to knife people. It’s only if they present me with an appealing target ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

    The other thing is I don’t really whore walkers that much as most maps are too enclosed or full of armour to allow it. Camp Gibralter and Fall of Berlin are the only maps I usually use the walker on.

    Even then you can only really whore them about if you have a good supply of crates/repairs and a certain amount of close infantry support. If you don’t have support it only takes one soldier spamming you with EMP grenades to render you useless. A top gunner is also needed on Camp Gibralter as the main gunner/driver can’t elevate to some of the walkways/roofs.

    PS thanks to Silphy my personal engineer ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Hey Silphy, seen you a couple of times on the server – always nice when our regulars sign up!

    One of the best aspects of being on the XDC server, is shouting KNIFE FIGHT over TS when you come accross (not in a sexual way!) a fellow XDCer on the opposite team – and then admidst all the fighting and death, you hop around like a loon trying to stick the other.

    Oh happy days!

    Have to say its rather good timing having my internet down at home… you should see how much work I have done recently!


    @Ronathon wrote:

    @11thSignal wrote:

    and getting knifed by Ronathon ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The other thing is I don’t really whore walkers that much as most maps are too enclosed or full of armour to allow it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    LOl you b*lloxs. Just had a nose at your stats. ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha I’ve even played maps where you’ve been in the walker, been killed then surprisingly you’re back in the walker…then r2 *shock-horror* It’s only Ronathon in a walker again ๐Ÿ˜‰


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    One of the best aspects of being on the XDC server, is shouting KNIFE FIGHT over TS when you come accross (not in a sexual way!) a fellow XDCer on the opposite team – and then admidst all the fighting and death, you hop around like a loon trying to stick the other.

    Well in all fairness Silphy, Turks shouts KNIFE FIGHT and then we all empty our magazines into his twitching, polygonal body. The motto of the story is:

    “Never take a knife to a gunfight, unless your ‘knife’ is of the German, 7.62 gas operated, roller-delayed blowback variety, with a 20 round staggered column magazine. But in that case it’d be an H&K G3, and not a knife.”

    Although sPUNKer (SirPunk) and I did instigate a server wide knife fight when playing a few weeks back, which a nice chap called Noxxeer, when it turned out there was six of us vs him. Them’s my kinda odds.


    =XDC=Turks “Hey Pharty, knife fight”
    =XDC=OldPhart “Mblmph”

    =XDC=OldPhart Killed =XDC=Turks – Voss

    =XDC=OldPhart “Teeheeheeeheee giggle chortle titter” ๐Ÿ˜›


    lol Ronathon, sometimes I think those stats are bollox especially when according to my stats last week I had spent 15hrs despensing a ammo hub when in fact I know I’ve played support for about 20 minutes in total.

    Anyway obviously we must only ever meet each other when on the rare accasions we are in walkers..what are the odds …lol


    @Erratic-Space wrote:

    LOl you b*lloxs. Just had a nose at your stats. ๐Ÿ™‚ Haha I’ve even played maps where you’ve been in the walker, been killed then surprisingly you’re back in the walker…then r2 *shock-horror* It’s only Ronathon in a walker again ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’d rather grab the walker first and use it to my teams advantage, than some noob grabs it an ploughs into the first flag that has a carpet of motion/emp mines layed in a patern like it just rolled out of Axminster. This leaves your team with no walker for ages (not sure what the spawn time is but it a fair few minutes) and at the mercy of the other team’s.

    I don’t camp the walker spawn, if I die I go back out on foot and help my squad mates by knifing Signal when ever I see him.

    I will keep an eye out for it spawning again as alot of people don’t and this can lead to the enemy stealing it and that just leads to one huge nightmare if you’re on the wrong side.

    Still I can understand if you’ve been on the receiving end of me in a walker ๐Ÿ˜› But there are ways of dealing with them ๐Ÿ˜‰


    To be honest, if you see a walker just stitting around, you’ve got to grab it before one of the opposition does. And once you’re in it, you’re in it until death. There’s nothing more annoying that when somebody doesn’t follow the first rule of ‘tank club’ and the enemy end up with two walkers instead of 1!

    Same goes for tanks and APC’s (depending on the map). Belgrade can be a real bitch if you’ve got no armour support and the enemy are kicking your ass with the APC.

    Just ask Max ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Don’t worry it wont be long before Max figures out how to kill armour with his Voss..

    SOON NOTHING WILL STAND IN HIS WAY!!!!!!!!11BB7`รƒฦ’ร†โ€™รƒยขรขโ€šยฌร…ยกรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลกรƒโ€šร‚ยฌ

    PS I unlocked the assault rocks last night, expect this to be my next whoring toy ๐Ÿ˜†

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