Forum Replies Created
Excellent find! 😀
LensmanParticipantI object to the topic subject.
It isn’t interesting at all. 🙄
LensmanParticipantThe forums is the only bit with which I am involved at the moment. I just don’t have time to play games – literally the odd half hour with 2142, maybe a couple of times a month. There’s no point me getting TF2, COD4 etc as I know I just won’t have the time to learn to play a new game. I purchased Company of Heroes five months ago as I know it is a great game, but I’ve not even got past the tutorials, and the last time I played that was 4 and a half months ago 🙁
This may change, it may not. Real life is kind of busy right now – I even feel guilty doing forum stuff.
I wholeheartedly support opening up the forums again – I disagreed with the original decision.
A note on the “visibility” topic I would never have heard of XDC if people like Turks etc had not kept popping up on the Multiplayers forum. There’s probably a lot to be said for hanging around other forums, with the website, server info etc as your sig. I guess the thing with MP was that almost by definition it was clanless, so it attracted a large number of people who were just general games players. Going into clan forums saying “come over to XDC” will not be as effective as people will already be attached. Maybe clans/sites that don’t have their own server? When Multiplayers lost their own server, that was when it all kind of died off and people like myself gravitated here.
LensmanParticipantWell, at the current exchange rate $1000 is less that £500, so what’t the point? Sure, you can buy a couple of Pharty’s nice bottles of wine for that, but it’s not life changing. In other words, not much of a “loss”.
So go for B2 on the off chance that you get half a million richer. You can’t retire on that, but it could buy some nice boys toys and a little depravity in Vegas.
If B2 was not empty, the only question I would ask the superior being would be if he or she could hold off letting anyone else know about the million dollars until I had put in for a divorce so the missus wouldn’t get half.
I’m pretty sure at that point we would have the answer to the age old question of whether God is a woman or not.
LensmanParticipantAarrrghh!!!! My Eyes!!!
LensmanParticipantGranted, but your dreams are filled with images of Vic and Cadbury Cream Eggs.
I wish my house had cavity wall insulation. Brrrrrr!!!!!It’s a bit parky this morning oop narth….
LensmanParticipantIt’s ok. I’m sure he’ll forget all about it pretty soon….
LensmanParticipantI used to love the Sky at Night as a kid (still do).
Years ago , before the days of VCR, my parents would wake me up at 11pm just so I could watch it. I was so into astronomy – made my own solar telescope once.
I was such a geek!
LensmanParticipantThis page should sort you out:
LensmanParticipantYawn……how many years late?
It’ll be a 7 day flash in the pan. A very small flash.
LensmanParticipantI’ve had a Pulse for several years now. Really good general purpose tool.
But what are you doing poncing about with one for fixing a PC? Leathermen are for manly activities like huntin’, shootin’, and skinnin’ varmints!
LensmanParticipant@=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:
They’ll be changing the name of the gardening implement next 🙄
You mean I’ll not be able to call a spade a spade? 🙂
LensmanParticipantWell, I found an interesting workaround that didn’t occur to me until I read an article in PC World.
Despite finally managing to make contact with Pinnacle support, the card still hangs upon capture. I had started to look at buying a new capture device – there’s a few USB2 devices knocking around for £40-£80. I came within a gnats knacker of ordering one, but noticed a throwaway comment in a PCW magazine about using a camcorder as an Analog to Digital converter.
Bloody genius! What I did was to hook the analog inputs of my Canon MV5i-MC camcorder to the output of my VCR – just needed £10 SCART->composite converter from Maplin. Then I connected my camcorder as usual via Firewire to my PC, change a setting on the camcorder to put it into A/Dl converter mode, and hey presto! Press Play on the VCR, and get I clean capture of VHS video on my PC.
LensmanParticipant@tess wrote:
Nice one Lensman, I’m in the middle of my Master’s now, and it’s bloody hard going. Did you enjoy it?
Yeah, I did enjoy it. It was tough doing it part time as shortly after I started it my career went off in a completely different direction (upwards, luckily! 🙂 ), and my son came along too, which is why it took nearly seven years as opposed to 2-3.
I kept on getting extensions to my thesis period, but in the end I just had to give myself a final deadline of end of April. So during back end of March and all through April I was up at 5-30 or 6, working on it for a couple of hours, off to work, back for tea, then another 3-4 hours. And then all weekend. I did that solid with hardly a day off.
By the end of April I was absolutely bolloxed, but pretty pleased with myself that I had completed it at all – I had come close to giving up a couple of times over the last few years. At that stage I couldn’t have really cared if I had passed or not – finishing it was enough.
So it was a very pleasant surprise when I got the phone call this week, expecially after such a long time since submission.
@magicker wrote:
dr lensman next?
😯 What? After the hell I just wrote about above!! 😆 It would take me bloody years…..
What’s all this about tax dodging? I’ve paid soooo much tax over the last seven years 🙁