I voted for both, either would be great maybe we alternate it with 42 one weekend and Vietnam on another. Also what about some DC goodness too 😀
I have every addon expansion for 42 so maybe even some road to rome and secret weapons of WWII ( except get Hippy away from the Natter he’s to bloody good in that damn thing 👿 )
Tanks are bloody slow, though, in 42. I think one of the reasons DC was so popular was that the tanks were much faster. Meant you spend much less time just trundling around the battlefield.
a great idea there Phartski!! I’d even be tempted to take the night off work for some 42 lovin’ on our server! Operation Husky was a fav of mine in the RtR ex-pack.
I just had a thought- yeah I know it doesn’t happen very often 🙁 given people are having problems with 2142 at the moment between PB Kicks and EA Link why don’t we put the server to 42 for a couple of hours this evening?
Just an idea 😉
Also LeGit and Maximus Hacks’R’ US would have no to starts to whore up 😆
IMO secret weapons was mostly crap but i did like the power station map thing in the dark where they have to blow up a generator (sounds familiar…) But Vanilla 1942 or RTR would be great 😉 I never really did play Vietnam and can’t really say i’m that bothered about missing it, but it would be nice to try it out properly sometime.