@tess wrote:
Nice one Lensman, I’m in the middle of my Master’s now, and it’s bloody hard going. Did you enjoy it?
Yeah, I did enjoy it. It was tough doing it part time as shortly after I started it my career went off in a completely different direction (upwards, luckily! 🙂 ), and my son came along too, which is why it took nearly seven years as opposed to 2-3.
I kept on getting extensions to my thesis period, but in the end I just had to give myself a final deadline of end of April. So during back end of March and all through April I was up at 5-30 or 6, working on it for a couple of hours, off to work, back for tea, then another 3-4 hours. And then all weekend. I did that solid with hardly a day off.
By the end of April I was absolutely bolloxed, but pretty pleased with myself that I had completed it at all – I had come close to giving up a couple of times over the last few years. At that stage I couldn’t have really cared if I had passed or not – finishing it was enough.
So it was a very pleasant surprise when I got the phone call this week, expecially after such a long time since submission.
@magicker wrote:
dr lensman next?
😯 What? After the hell I just wrote about above!! 😆 It would take me bloody years…..
What’s all this about tax dodging? I’ve paid soooo much tax over the last seven years 🙁