Battlefield 1943

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    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Its like they couldnt even afford a room full of monkeys to come up with something so retarded


    anyhoos, back to being 👿

    in fact i should re-phrase that as they we’re too tight to even bother paying for a room full of monkeys as its not like they lack the funds 😡


    Watched some in game vids and commentary yesterday, they are really fucking this up big time, it looks so nice too.. unlimited health, 3 classes, no squads.. wtf is all that about, money grabbing c**ts!

    It looks like they’ve just done this in their lunch whilst making BFBC2 for a hobby and thought, yeah lets charge fools for it

    really gutted 🙁


    Heh at least least we’ve got battlefield heroes coming…


    XDC wild egg tamer

    guess they’ve forgotten about ther fan base completely then! I want a pc game, not some console conversion.

    I can only hope they roll out BF3 in the future but fear it will be BF2 with destructable terrain and thats it! Guess for WW2 goodness i shall have to stick with FH2

    Being the mug i am and if enough of XDC get it then i’ll be getting it too. 🙄


    Aye, you lot would be the only reason I’d buy this too, which would please EA no doubt, they dont give a fook but know mugs like us would buy 🙁

    XDC wild egg tamer

    interview with producer cock……….” onclick=”;return false;

    interesting around 3mins 15 secs, he states that console players have never been able to experience dogfights then jump out of a plane and comandeer a tank! So this is aimed squarely at console owners then with a port over to the pc. Watching the vid, it has the same daft cartoony gfx that are in heroes and a World away from what i’d expect a new battlefield game for the pc to offer!

    Listen you fucking coked up garbage waffling fuck-nugget! We, the pc owning players that put the BF series on the map want something decent. Not some shite console port with cartoon characters……….and as for this summer ? didn’t they say heroes was coming out last summer ?

    I just want to punch that twat!

    They’ve not forgotten the pc gamers but BF3 is a rumour!!! 😯 wtf does that mean then ? BF2042 ?



    lol shut up wet 😛

    I thought that looked OK. Wasn’t sure about the enemy planes coming up with a big red circle around them. Looks like a refined BFBC on Wake Island, not entirely bad!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    hehe, i’m off my soapbox now! 😉

    It’s battlefield heroes with destructable terrain and first person view. I can understand reducing the number of players to 24 as i’m sure the amount of data flying around for the destructable terrain would have a hit on ping times, latency etc but to have cartoony gfx, unlimted ammo and health, no squads, 3 classes and only 3 maps (i’m sure we will be able to buy additional maps! 🙄 ) just doesn’t sit well with me. I can accept heroes as a stop gap and i’ll no doubt get this to play as a part of XDC but that’s as far as it goes….i’ll still await a “proper” Battlefield game for the pc with anticipation.


    I actually see nothing wrong with BF1942 apart from Berlin and Stalingrad maps. A simple mod to ad a squad system would be awesome. Man I miss that game.


    I’m with wets soapbox, however they are probably choosing console route as its one main developer ease of use, they dont have to accomodate diff gfx cards etc etc.. BFBC is a cool game, just need mouse and keyboard!

    I miss BF1942 also.. best online game times I’ve ever had


    *goes off to check up on FH2’s progress

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    *goes off to check up on FH2’s progress

    It’s coming along nicely………. 😀


    i dont think we should be too harsh on it….looking at the footage it looks like the version we have all been waiting for (at last)

    XDC wild egg tamer

    hope you’re right sprog……… 😕


    I hope the console version will have a demo. The demo saved me from buying BFBC 😀

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