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    depends on cableidge.. and the connectors your external hdd’s are 😀


    And whats all this SATA and IDE shit about

    This is why I buy external!


    If you suspect the power socket in the drive casing, you can try swapping the case with the working one. Redistribute your data and send back the dodgy case with a hard-disc full of sewing patterns and (clothed) pics of dear, old folk.

    Your PC is likely to have a max of 4 or 6 internal connections. CD/DVD drives use the same connectors, so if you have two internal hard-discs and a DVD-writer, that’s 3 connectors used.

    An external hdd is an internal one loaded into a neat case of its own.

    There are two main types of drives. If you have a relatively new computer, your internal drives will likely be SATA interface. Many SATA computers have ‘spare’ IDE connectors on the mainboard. My own PC is IDE through and through.

    I’d expect all external drives which use a power-supply to be IDE.

    -Fenix out.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    don’t forget the jumper settings 😉


    @=XDC= wild egg tamer wrote:

    don’t forget the jumper settings 😉

    WET, this is an IT problem, not a fashion incident. Please keep your jumper, pullover and cardigan suggestions to yourself.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    pullovers should be made mandatory 😀


    firstly. Maxtor are shite hard drives. Ive always had problems with them. especially if they are larger capacity then the quality is pants. My verdict so far is that Western Digital is coming up trumps. I have 4 Sata hard drives at 400gig each ( a Hitachi that screwed up but is fine now, 2x Western Digital no probs and that Maxtor that constantly unmounts and has sector errors) an old IDE with 120meg (Seagate Ive had for 7 years with no probs) all inside my machine and an external lacie HD at 250gig (that is also maxtor and has plenty of bad sectors). You can add hard drives in the spaces where cdr’s go by buying adapters to hold them in (something like this: http://www.scythe-eu.com/en/products/pc-accessory/hard-disk-stabilizer-2.html)
    it will also help with noise vibrations and knocks)
    Anyhow to get to the crunch have a floppy disk handy and run this prog:
    (i am kindly hosting this dl ;)):
    Its a slow process that you should leave running when you have summut else to do but it does the job and fixes a hard drive rather well. Also you need to make sure that your bios is set to boot on floppy.
    I can only recommend that you get yourself a new one thats good quality and transfer your “art” as soon as possible then keep that maxtor for storing temporary junk.


    Nooooooo I thought Maxtor was good! I have never had any probs with my other one.

    Will that programme fix a HD that wont turn on?! Hope so!

    Cheers for the help guys.

    Will see if I can open the case easily when I get home.


    Maxtor suck goat-balls

    Internal Drives

    Seagate very good

    Western Digital good


    Lacie, excellent kit, make very good screens too


    You could have fucking told me before I shelled out over 100 smackers for it

    Jeeze… and I thought you were psychic!


    He is but is spelss it Psychotic -_-


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    firstly. Maxtor are shite hard drives.

    avoid maxtor and deathstar drives at all costs! Maxtors are nothing but trouble! Barrcuda all the way! Reliable SATA’s and cheapppp

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