Diablo 3 – worthy of the hype?

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    @XDC_Wolf wrote:

    AH = Auction house. There will be real money AH’s soon. Only heard good things about the game but most people have issues with actually being able to play it when they want too. It seems odd that you can’t play it single player without going online, but that’s the DRM they chose!

    Ahh that is something I should’ve guessed but I am purposefully allowing all information in one ear and out the other regarding this game as it sounds too addictive.


    just found my first legdendary item, sold it for 255k gold now had the real money auction house been live i could of made some cash


    Why not keep it until a few months after ah opens? Although I guess in game cash will soon have real world value, like in eve and plex.


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    just found my first legdendary item, sold it for 255k gold now had the real money auction house been live i could of made some cash

    Probably a couple of quid if that.
    Face it max as the chance of getting the proper BIS (best in slot) are so rare that you have more chance of winning the euro millions, and that the game is not wow so having all best in slot gear and being one of the best in the game means nothing cos there are no expansions and therefore no longevity, thus no value in the char/account.So things in the real money ah are going to be selling for peanuts. K there might be the odd occurrence where some Iranian sheikh wants the best thing in the game and there is only one for sale everything else will go for almost nothing.
    I predict that within 3 months of the real money ah going live that the only things that will sell will be items that are within the top 5 of the bis slot will actually sell.

    Only reason things sell for so much gold in the gold ah is that farming gold is stupidly easy so people will pay ZOMG prices for shit they will replace in a few days.


    @airmessy wrote:

    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    just found my first legdendary item, sold it for 255k gold now had the real money auction house been live i could of made some cash

    Probably a couple of quid if that.
    Face it max as the chance of getting the proper BIS (best in slot) are so rare that you have more chance of winning the euro millions, and that the game is not wow so having all best in slot gear and being one of the best in the game means nothing cos there are no expansions and therefore no longevity, thus no value in the char/account.So things in the real money ah are going to be selling for peanuts. K there might be the odd occurrence where some Iranian sheikh wants the best thing in the game and there is only one for sale everything else will go for almost nothing.
    I predict that within 3 months of the real money ah going live that the only things that will sell will be items that are within the top 5 of the bis slot will actually sell.

    Only reason things sell for so much gold in the gold ah is that farming gold is stupidly easy so people will pay ZOMG prices for shit they will replace in a few days.

    That’s an interesting take on it. I do however think there will be a bigger market than you predict, although not much bigger. I think there are many people out there who want the very top gear. This will be an extension to their epeen and I think a lot of people will get off boasting about how much dps/whatever stat their build has, how quick they can do one of the bosses etc. Blizzard game attract that kind of player, look at WoW. I think there will be a few micro expansions too, so bliz can cash in more, rather than diablo 2’s single expansion.

    I can see the top swords/armour going for as much as £15 to £20, not that I would pay any real money for it, it kind of defeats the point in playing a game in the first place. I love the game, but my deep seeded cynacism about bliz stops me from obsessing over it like I would eve etc.

    Again, I seem to be in a negative mood tonight so just going about making negative comments, so there we are. Fuck bliz and stuff.


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    I was totally addicted to the last 2 so wondering whether it is worth getting the new one? And has the DRM lag/errors cleared up yet? Tenpted to download tonight but not if I won’t be able to play!

    It’s alright but that’s about as far as it goes. If you want a game like this with a decent single player campaign I’d say Titan Quest was far better (it’s a tenner for the Gold edition on Steam) and if you want a game where you just slaughter crap to get items then Sacred 2 has a huge open world and will last you a lot longer. Sacred 2 doesn’t like Windows 7 though and you’ll get CTD’s if you’re running it.

    You’ll get server side lag as well. On a single player game. Utterly risible – rendering the “hardcore” mode totally redundant.


    I really enjoy it… until Max rocks up in my games with his retardedly powerful zombie ray, and blasts all the bosses to oblivion in a heartbeat.

    Ive had to block people from joining – no offence Max!


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    I really enjoy it… until Max rocks up in my games with his retardedly powerful zombie ray, and blasts all the bosses to oblivion in a heartbeat.

    Ive had to block people from joining – no offence Max!



    Long time no see Sick, how’s it going?


    Same as always Al. Just not been doing much online gaming for ages – other than FIFA 12 on PC but no-one plays that. I might give Day Z a go as well, but it looks like a right palava to install.


    @sickofitall wrote:

    Same as always Al. Just not been doing much online gaming for ages – other than FIFA 12 on PC but no-one plays that. I might give Day Z a go as well, but it looks like a right palava to install.


    Yo SOIA old fruitcake. You’re about the only one of these smegs I actually missed.

    Go on, post one of your rants 😮


    I dunno Phart, posting a rant here these days would be the internet equivalent of standing in a bus shelter like a meth addict with a spastic neck twitch and shouting at the ground while a few isolated bods walk past and pretend to ignore you.


    @sickofitall wrote:

    I dunno Phart, posting a rant here these days would be the internet equivalent of standing in a bus shelter like a meth addict with a spastic neck twitch and shouting at the ground while a few isolated bods walk past and pretend to ignore you.

    you are a legend! A book should be made of your witty rants! 😀

    XDC wild egg tamer

    hail SOIA!!!!!! he’s back and in fine form.

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