Old Lady Arrested for ‘Assault’

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    Well one thing’s for certain, if at the next XDC booze up it deteriorates into a pub brawl I’m siding with MaNSLaUgHtEr, Fluffy and SOIA. Sounds like they might be a bit handy with the old chin pistons.


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Well one thing’s for certain, if at the next XDC booze up it deteriorates into a pub brawl I’m siding with MaNSLaUgHtEr, Fluffy and SOIA. Sounds like they might be a bit handy with the old chin pistons.

    I wouldn’t go as far as to say that, just don’t punch me in the jaw. I got 2 titanium plates there thanks to those fucking cowards who jumped me. Next person who clocks me round the chops is likely to break his knuckles!


    It’s very important not to react to the taunts of streetscum.

    Instead go home, wait till it’s dark, put on a balaclava, pick up your trusty weapon of choice, (I favour an old Lousisville slugger baseball bat) head to said cretins, administer swift beating, leave unidentified.

    That way there are no visits from Plod.

    von smallhousen

    now thats what I like about americans, vigillantism, it’s in your blood.

    if I did that here, believe me I do want to, I would get found out 7 years later when forensics caught up with my shoesize, they scumbags would get £64,000 compensation, and I’d get life for multiple and premeditated GHB


    There are other ways …….. 😈


    I urinated up against spec savers window when I was really pissed , trouble was there was a cop car behind me as I did it and it was the first day of operation ” crack down on drunken behavour” , I was so drunk I just didn’t see them and I got a caution for it.

    I live life on the edge 😉


    @Captain_Chronic wrote:

    I urinated up against spec savers[/] window… I just didn’t see them and I got a caution for it.

    Maybe you should pop back when they’re open mate 😀


    @Captain_Chronic wrote:

    I urinated up against spec savers window when I was really pissed , trouble was there was a cop car behind me as I did it and it was the first day of operation ” crack down on drunken behavour” , I was so drunk I just didn’t see them and I got a caution for it.

    I live life on the edge 😉

    See, this is the type of anti-social behaviour we should be cracking down on. Chronic should have been picked up and had to spend a few days in a Turkish Prison 😈

    xdc the doc

    @Deicist wrote:

    @Captain_Chronic wrote:

    I urinated up against spec savers[/] window… I just didn’t see them and I got a caution for it.

    Maybe you should pop back when they’re open mate 😀



    Ive lost count of how many times Ive punched the crap out of some little shite outside the local shop or gone storming out of the house seeing red cause some little chave bar-steward thought it was ok to pick on one of my kids!! Granted Ive been lucky and not once has PC plod come knocking. I put it down to that these dim witted wankers cant get it into thier head that theres people and parents like me out there who are rather happy with the thought of beating the crap out of them.

    I will continue to beat the wankers sensless and if they dont get the message then I shall beat them some more!!

    I thank you!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😈 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


    that theres people and parents like me out there who are rather happy with the thought of beating the crap out of them.

    I will continue to beat the wankers sensless and if they dont get the message then I shall beat them some more!!

    …couldnt put it better myself….

    😀 😈 😀

    Been thinkin’ what i would do if anyone touched my little ‘un when she gets older, ive come to the conclusion i could happlily wrap a pick axe handle round the face of anyone who does… my heart wouldnt skip a beat.. 😈 😈


    Maybe you should pop back when they’re open mate

    lmao oh hell yeah.. fuckin nobbers!!

    Grrr *Shakes Fist*


    Maybe we should start our own gang of vigilantes? Dress in black, leap from the shadows and dispense our own brand of cricket bat justice on the perps.

    We could call ourselves ‘Batmen’ and we’d have a base called ‘The Bat Cave’ and we could spray our cars black and call them ‘Batmobiles’. And when there’s crime being committed we could shine a light in the sky, in the shape of a cricket bat, which we’d call the ‘Bat Signal’. Oh man! That would be awesome!

    And Toothy could put on some tights and we’d call him Robin, and…

    Oh god.

    Curse my brain.


    LOL 😀


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Maybe we should start our own gang of vigilantes? Dress in black, leap from the shadows and dispense our own brand of cricket bat justice on the perps.

    We could call ourselves ‘Batmen’ and we’d have a base called ‘The Bat Cave’ and we could spray our cars black and call them ‘Batmobiles’. And when there’s crime being committed we could shine a light in the sky, in the shape of a cricket bat, which we’d call the ‘Bat Signal’. Oh man! That would be awesome!


    LMFAO! Except, I think I look more like ‘The Thing’.

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