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  • #43473

    ZigZag is a boys bottom, its Insane who likes em


    As Wipers said, that was some game last night, very enjoyable. But I am in agreement, I did mention this some back, that the titan conquest mode, is not the best but 2142 is out there with the best online fun, and BF2 has had its day. 😀


    funny tho. After griping that sidi is shite in conquest mode, I’m sure we had a pretty good game on there last night. That was pretty funny that Titan game. It said our titan was destroyed then ended in Victory. I think what happened was the ole fembot that says those words of doom must’v just started to say enemy titan destroyed then got confused or something and just went straight into ours being destroyed (anyone following this as im not 😯 ). close shave indeed


    @Wipers wrote:

    Feck off – last nights Minsk titan map was one of the best titan battles we’ve had – it went down to the wire and even at the end we weren’t sure who had won.

    hear, hear, one of the best rounds ever seen on the server, all XDC peeps balanced over both teams and it really went down till the last second, brilliant


    whilst surfing on our new internet!

    Is this different to the one we use? hehe

    =XDC=OldPhart says: ZigZag has a peach of a boys bottom, its Insane who likes them ladies botties, he’s awesome for it!

    Fixed 🙂

    Had one of them “To the wire” games.. its exciting! 😀

    What patch we upto fella’s? Might make an appearance soon 🙂


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    whilst surfing on our new internet!

    Is this different to the one we use? hehe

    =XDC=OldPhart says: ZigZag has a peach of a boys bottom, its Insane who likes them ladies botties, he’s awesome for it!

    Fixed 🙂

    Had one of them “To the wire” games.. its exciting! 😀

    What patch we upto fella’s? Might make an appearance soon 🙂

    Tis on v1.1 m8.


    F1 – F1


    I find bf2142 too annoying to play on my PC. So I ordered another gig of RAM but it’s coming from the other side of the world – I’ve been waiting 11 days so far. Have hardly played the game since mid December and I do want a fix at a decent frame-rate.

    Don’t feel sorry for me though, have been having a bal with the ArmA demo and my new steering-wheel.


    Do they not sell ram in Plymouth, UK?


    Its been boring me for a while now.

    I find myself playing an inf only game of bf2 more than 2142 of late.

    I am so bored of 2142 i have even gone back to playing a little wwiionline a few times a week 😯


    Fuck ww2 online is boring… and it has so much potential.


    2142 f rocks! I love EA.


    i have this sat downstairs in its wrapper……is it worth installing ?? how many patches am i gonna have to hunt down ?? is this fucker gonna crash my pc or continually kick me out of the game after two minutes cos i dont have eagvxqs 9.424. wibble.ex or some other computer gibberish ??

    if so i will pass……anyone wants to buy my copy…..pm me


    oh also……for those who like it a little slower ?? how many times can i expect to get killed without knowing

    a) who killed me ??

    b) with what ??

    c) before i can expect to get at least maybe one kill back in return ??

    d) erm…..are there any mustangs or submarines come to think of it in this game by any chance ? WHERES THE FUCKIN SUB ?????


    top game sprog, expect to get shot a lot of times fella, esp. now ost people have vast amounts of unlocks, it will be extremely frustrating and youll leave it, come back. It has a very huge learning curve but the best series by far.. 😀

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