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  • #57728

    Well… just come back from hers – officially ended… but a couple of nights of …lovelyness!.

    Tbh, Im gutted, but its for the best… we drove each other mad when together… but saying goodbye to someone, for the last time… was bloody hard.





    Sorry to hear that mate. At the same time though its not dying in a ditch over. You’re still just a young pup so get out there and get some more shagging done.
    Now that you’ve got yourself a taste for the female of the Species we can take our backs from the wall and start to breath easy again. 😉


    so we can see the pictures now right ??


    He PM’d me the site he uploaded them too before he went to spain on his holibobs… sorry its my fault I forgot to share it with you.. totally forgot.. anyhoos it’s..


    post a link that works you big ghey


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    post a link that works you big ghey

    you might want to check you ‘Humour Haxs’ are working mate – clearly a wind up if you look at the URL properly 😆


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    post a link that works you big ghey

    give me strength.


    OH FFS!

    I thought you were oddly simple Steve.. but thats just put you right in the Tard section for years to come!

    *shakes head*

    I feel like making everyone on the interweb know about this, your sure to get more hits than the guy who was caught with goat porn on his desktop!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    **shakes head**

    Steve, you do make me wonder sometimes why i never got a job in the city earning the mega bucks you guys do!! **sigh**



    lol i thought that exact same thing.. just goes to show, its not what you know, its who you know!

    Life is so unfair at times! 🙂


    As you lot are all sex mad i bet you would of found being in my step dads foot steps a turn on.

    He was going back home form the shop near them and he saw all these oap’s standing outside these flats.
    As he gets closer he hears …. faster faster… hurry up my legs can’t take it.

    A couple in the top flat are only shagging against the window with it open, with all theses oap’s outside listening and looking up. One of them said ‘ i bet his big’

    When they had finished the oap’s all clapped.

    what’s the betting they all went home for a bit of some 😆


    I caught a couple having sex. (well didnt see them only heard them) down in the darkness in the foyer to my girlfriends apartment. I only heard the woman and at first got a bit worried as all I could hear was heavy breathing and what almost sounded like tears. I thought ooh its just some lass come home at 4 in the morning and had a crap night. So I went back to editing. Then the groans and scuffles and strained breathing and I thought “shit! she may be getting raped” I ran to the window and opened my mouth to shout something when she started saying “yes YES..etc” so I just sat and listened instead 😛
    been caught twice myself both in the same compromising position aswell. For some reason if I find a chair and get the woman to straddle me people know about it. Well really I should have stopped doing it at meetings


    Kin L.. Fuck readers wives.. I’m off to the toilets!!


    Insane’s not been answering his emails then this comes through on an Agency wide alert.

    Due to an engineer passing out in the gents toilets on the 5th floor at City House Manchester, please can the 4th floor toilets be used until further notice.

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