Attention Magicker or Fluffy

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    I wish to have a chat about seeing how we can generate funds for both the games server and the web-hosting/forum. Let me know how you want to proceed, via PM, email, phone etc.

    Hopefully this way we can cover both in a simple way



    I know i’m not Magicker or Fluffy (And i’m fucking glad tbh :P) But I would really reccomend getting an Amazon link thing – they are very discreet, and mine has made about £20 in 2 months – not bad for free money!


    We use to on the old site didnt we?


    Yes we did

    If you put it on the front page, and everyone changes their bookmark for amazon to the frontpage too… then you will instantly remember to buy through the link…

    and confuse the fuck out of anyone else who uses your pc whilst shopping!


    When we did have an Amazon link on the website i don’t think it was used very often.

    Pharty i will have a word with mag tomorrow to see if he has any ideas

    I think he’ll be hoping to create a bit more than the £3.50 he is (or was the last time i talked to him) receiving 🙄

    xdc magicker


    sorry i have been locked in the real world for a few days!! and getting shouted at this very moment cos I am not in the kitchen!

    right – all i really need is about 7 – 10 quid a month and the site will be supporting itself and all will be well

    i am open to suggestions as the best way forward

    amazon link managed to raise 2.50 last year



    ROFLOL!! back in the kitchen Thumbman! hahaha

    Sorry but PMSL @ amazon link making £2.50 all year

    and ummm.. £2.50 is piss poor! Half of that is mine .. i went along with the £1 a month as requested because I thought that the rest *well there was more than 10 at the time* were doing same too.. had I known I’d have upped it

    Come on peeps.. Actions speak louder than words!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    will be sending a cheque for £40 in the next week or so to cover me for a while…… 😀

    lmao too at amazon link hedge fund.


    I am sure I sent a PayPal payment of about £20 squid last time?

    No worries.

    Mag, Wot I ca do is ask the chaps for £6 a month for the server (or £5.50) and send you a cheque/Paypal wotever to cover 12 months. PM your annual costs, then we can sort it out, maybe using a signed receipt so we know that it has been paid for from Day X to Day Y

    xdc magicker

    Here is the cut and paste of the online bill i get each quarter for the server. Now obviously xdc is not the only thing that is hosted on here but it is by far the busiest site and accounts for most of what the server does. I have a few business users on there who in effect subsidise the cost of server for xdc. At present I have direct debits for 2.50 to my budget account. Every now and then Flufy goes on a money raising trip to the forums and i get a push of funds, which have been really generous from a few key donators but i think it weould be fairer if more people just chipped in few pennies regularly. i am only looking for 10 quid a month thats about 30p each or something.

    like spugs i just cant justify funding the server myself at this point in time 🙁

    Andy Bird

    Invoice Date : 24/8/2006
    Customer Number : xxxxxxxx
    Contract Number : xxxxxxxx
    Invoice Number : xxxxxxxx
    VAT Number : GB 752539027

    Service/Package Unit/Usage Total
    Basic Fee : £ 19.99 a month) 3 mo. £59.97
    (£ 0.99 per GByte) 0 MB £0.00
    Subtotal £59.97
    VAT £10.49
    Total amount due £70.46

    We will debit your credit-card with the full amount. Thank You!

    OK mate, no worries. I will see that you get at least £60 for each 3 month block. I will start from 1st November with a sum to cover until 31st January. I reckon £60 would be fair. If each member chips in a quid per 3 months, that will cover it. I will sort the details out later with the server payment details. Got some work to do right now


    so ,i’d gladly up my monthly DD to £5 to cover the site and server.

    is this enough? we could do with a ballpark figure for those wishing to donate


    lump sum for me whilst ive actually got some money!
    Andy PM me some details. In particular it would be better to sort with paypal for me if thats good with you. Ill pay £70 for a quarter (no cracking dealer jokes!) if thats ok?


    Spunky, steady on old boy. It appears that Mag’s hosting costs about £20 per month, so £60 per querter should cover it.

    But I would prefer to be the single point of collection for all our needs. I will guarentee Mag his money, and then make up any shortfall on the games server. I will also keep acurate records of who gave what & when and then publish it quarterly for transparency.

    Just bear with me, will be sorting stuff over the next few days.


    OK old chap you sort them details for me when you can 😉

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