BBC f**kup with apple interview

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  • #13971
    XDC wild egg tamer

    Watch the video, the guys face is priceless when he realises he’s live on TV!!

    xdc magicker

    fair play to the bloke – seemed to do a perfectly reasonable job my answering stupid questions as calmly as he could

    hope he got the job

    guy knewny is a boring twat anyway


    That is absolutely priceless. What a star for keeping going, but his first response says it all.
    “I’m VERY surprised” 😆


    Fair play, the chap was excellent! I cant say I would of noticed.


    Funny clip , he did a fine job though ,not bad for a cabbie as well 🙂


    When the story broke the other day, and they said it was a cabbie, I did think it might have been WeT


    The thing that confused me the most , is why did they have a cabbie being interviewed about anything anyway?
    they all talk utter crap most of the time anyway.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    rofl!!! in fact he wasn’t a cabbie but there for an interview………apparently…

    And also being the BBC, they don’t use the services of Londons finest but instead choose to go with the far inferior minicabs as they are under the mis-guided opinion that they are cheaper and offer a similar service!!!! like fuck they do!

    i could rant on about it all night but seeing as i’ve just got in, having gone to work at 7 this morning, i’m knackered and hungry and can’t be arsed………..and it would be boring anyway!………and i’m too happy go lucky to hold a grudge…… 😉

    And CC you right..most cabbies talk shite, thats why i never speak to people unless i’m spoken too! 😉 😀 😛

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