Blades of glory

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    … if you didnt like ‘Napoleon Dynamite, Zoolander, Talledega Nights or Anchorman’ dont bother with this film! Its the same type of comedy, you know exactly what your gonna get!

    Luckily i think ALL the above films were brilliant!… especially Anchorman, anyone who thinks Anchorman isnt funny should stick to BBC sitcoms like ‘My family’… which i hate with a passion!!!!!!! 👿 👿 👿


    umm.. the thought of 2 men dressed in tight ice skating clothing and trying to make a comedy film out of it kinda puts me off straight away.. have to say the trailer looks shite and unfunny.. think I’ll pass on it

    Dynamite film was the most overated pile of unfunny toss since before Borat! hehe

    Taladega nights was funny, aint seen anchorman yet but heard thats funny as fook 🙂

    Think i’ll pass on this one


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    umm.. the thought of 2 men dressed in tight ice skating clothing and trying to make a comedy film out of it kinda puts me off straight away.. have to say the trailer looks shite and unfunny.. think I’ll pass on it

    Dynamite film was the most overated pile of unfunny toss since before Borat! hehe

    Taladega nights was funny, aint seen anchorman yet but heard thats funny as fook 🙂

    Think i’ll pass on this one

    Dynamite was total wank, everyone was saying it was the best film since sliced film, watched it and nearly fell in to a coma.


    I watched it too… it was shit.

    But then I dodnt even like that jund of film!


    Marmite comedy… love it or hate it!

    Such is life 🙂 🙂


    I really wanted to go to the cinema to see this but no bugger would go with me 🙁

    I hate downloading films cos I hate waching them on my pc screen and they are usually such shite quality that they’re not worth watching on the tv, I’m going to have to wait for it to come out on DVD


    Tess, there’s a simple solution to this problem, which if you follow the instructions below will allow you to watch these films in widescreen glory:

    1) Keep saying stuff to Lord Phartsbury like “You know what really turns me on in a man? When they have their own media PC attached to their TV,” or “If I was as rich as you I’d buy a media PC and hook it up to my TV.”

    2) Lord Phartsbury buys/builds a media PC and sets it up.

    3) He then realises he can’t watch opera on it and advertises it on the XDC market place.

    4) Drug Vic and then get a dubious surgeon to remove on of his kidneys and sell it on Ebay.

    5) Use the money to buy Pharty’s media PC.

    6) Watch Blades of Glory in full widescreen in your own living room*

    Simple, and everyone’s a winner.

    *If you don’t have a suitable TV repeat steps 1 to 6 but omit ‘media PC’ for ‘plasma screen’, providing Vic does have another spare kidney.


    Hah, idea – thanks Neon 🙂

    And now you’ve got me thinking, he not only has 2 kidneys, but he has a liver too – I never hear him mentioning making use of either of those organs. I know he uses his lungs for smoking, and his heart is full to bursting with lurve for me, but now he’s not at uni I’m not sure that he needs his brain for very much.

    This is going to be a lucrative summer for me, thanks Neon 😀


    ..anyone want a copy?? PM me your addy n ill post you one its not DVD quality (Bin/Cue on cdr) but looks good!!!

    am pissed right now so expect retraction later!!!


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Tess, there’s a simple solution to this problem, which if you follow the instructions below will allow you to watch these films in widescreen glory:

    1) Keep saying stuff to Lord Phartsbury like “You know what really turns me on in a man? When they have their own media PC attached to their TV,” or “If I was as rich as you I’d buy a media PC and hook it up to my TV.”

    2) Lord Phartsbury buys/builds a media PC and sets it up.

    3) He then realises he can’t watch opera on it and advertises it on the XDC market place.

    4) Drug Vic and then get a dubious surgeon to remove on of his kidneys and sell it on Ebay.

    5) Use the money to buy Pharty’s media PC.

    6) Watch Blades of Glory in full widescreen in your own living room*

    Simple, and everyone’s a winner.

    *If you don’t have a suitable TV repeat steps 1 to 6 but omit ‘media PC’ for ‘plasma screen’, providing Vic does have another spare kidney.


    an alternative but less comedic route would be to d/l the -axxo- version of the film and get any cheap DVD player that plays Divx….and then use the money you got from Vics insides to go to the Bahamas…(or Clackton depending on how the auction goes)


    I finally got to see this film tonight, I dragged my mum and both kids with me. I cannot ever remember laughing so hard at a film. It is the funniest film I have seen in years and years and years ever since ever!!!!!

    I want this film on DVD, it would be hilarious to watch when pissed, I must have it!!!!


    it would be hilarious to watch when pissed

    Sounds like you already were !!!

    I cant believe you put this over Hot FUzz!

    wierdo 🙂


    It was 100 times better than Hot fuzz!!

    It had ice skating and incest and lots of ball-bag injuries and goodies and baddies and a love story and and and it was great!!!!

    Weirdo – well, I know you are, but what am I????? 😀


    @tess wrote:

    It was 100 times better than Hot fuzz!!

    We don’t like yerr sort roond ‘ere. I reckon’s yerr’d better leave.

    Better than Hot Fuzz? That’s like saying ‘He was gayer than Max’.


    Well, the blond one in the film was incredibly gay….

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