Broadband woes.

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  • #45104

    Ive been playing over a belkin router for the last year with no probs

    Get me some penecillin, and I will give you the model number 🙂

    xdc the doc

    You guys are so depressing!

    I now have the broadband in – Im sitting in the hall on my lappy :o)

    I really dont want to have to reroute cables – ives just spent 2 weeks solid laminating the floors of the whole flat – Im sick of DIY good and proper.

    I was kind of hoping that these crazy expensive new wireless protocols like mimo/N would be powerful enough for what I wanted…… arghhhhh – why the fuck did I come to this country? Shit job, shit broadband and shit weather.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    shit job!!!! i keep hearing gp’s are earning 100k and having to work less for it since the goverment fucked up on the new contracts some time back……summat to do with evening calls i think! 😉


    You layed lam flooring and did not, pop CAT5 cables down just in case !

    Tut tut, I have 2 rooms left to lam floor and the Cat5 cable is waiting under the floor boards, ready for the day I ever get round to doing it.

    That day been when I stop buying shiney things and spead money on the flat 🙄

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’m starting to feel your pain here doc………….

    ordered myself the 8Mb service from nildram, all has gone through as normal as though i’m not expecting to get the full 8mb service a healthy increase on my 2mb service would be nice………well it ain’t happening just yet!! my upload speed has increased to around 400kbps but my download has remained at around the 1900kbps mark! Now i understand they leave it for around 10 days to settle but can i seriously expect it to improve ??

    any advice peeps ?? 😕


    depends where you live here in the wilds of Birmingham the fastest exchange we have is limited to 5meg so thats the fastest anyone an get here, unless your with NTLCable then you get the full fat cream.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i live less than a mile from my exchange (though not sure how far with regards to the line distance) and the exchange is set for an 8Mb line as far as i can tell……… 🙁

    *just found a site to test my line………

    the ressults show this:-

    Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    IP profile for your line is – 2000 kbps
    DSL connection rate: 448 kbps(UP-STREAM) 8128 kbps(DOWN-STREAM)
    Actual IP throughput achieved during the test was – 1815 kbps

    If you wish to discuss these results please contact your ISP.

    If you are experiencing problems with specific applications, servers or websites please contact your ISP for assistance.

    Your test has completed please close this window to exit the performance tester.

    i don’t get how the IP profile is only 2000kbps but the downstream is 8128kbps!!! does this mean somewhere my line is being throttled back to 2mb ? And what the heck is the IP profile anyway ??

    XDC wild egg tamer

    righto, just used telnet to get some info on my line etc……

    –> port a1 show

    DriverVersion = 1.61
    APIVersion = GS
    FirmwareVersion = Y.1.28.186
    DspVersion = 0x000000c1
    Connected = true
    OperationalMode = G.Dmt
    State = Showtime
    Watchdog = 0x00000053
    LastFailed = 0x0000006b
    TxBitRate = 448000
    RxBitRate = 8128000
    TxCellRate = 1056
    RxCellRate = 19169
    PhyTXCellCount = 19787
    PhyRXCellCount= 1286144027
    PhyCellDropCount = 0
    OverallFailure = 0
    LocalSEF = 0
    LocalEndLOS = 0
    LocalSNRMargin= 11.5 dB
    LocalLineAttn = 16.0 dB (line noise??; is this acceptable )
    RawAttn = 16.0 dB
    LocalTxPower = 10.9 dB
    LocalFastChannelRxRate=8128000 (download speed?)
    LocalFastChannelTxRate=448000 (upload speed?)
    LocalFastChannelCRC= 2
    LocalFastChannelHEC= 0
    LocalFastChannelNCD = 0
    LocalFastChannelOCD = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelRxRate = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelTxRate = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelFEC = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelCRC = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelHEC = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelNCD = 0
    LocalInterleavedChannelOCD = 0
    RemoteSEF = 0
    RemoteLOS = 0
    RemoteLineAttn = 8.0 dB
    RemoteSNRMargin = 27 dB
    RemoteFastChannelFEC = 0
    RemoteFastChannelCRC = 0
    RemoteFastChannelHEC = 0
    RemoteFastChannelNCD = 0
    RemoteInterleavedChannelFEC = 0
    RemoteInterleavedChannelCRC = 0
    RemoteInterleavedChannelHEC = 0
    RemoteInterleavedChannelNCD= 0
    ActivateLine = None
    HostControl = Enable
    AutoStart = true
    failsafe = false
    ShowtimeLed = 2
    Whip = Disable
    WhipActive = Inactive
    Action = Startup
    Profile = MAIN
    Standard = Multimode
    UtopiaInterface= Level1
    EcFdmMode = FDM
    TxStartBin= 6
    TxEndBin = 31
    RxStartBin = 32
    RxEndBin = 255
    RxAutoBinAdjust = Disable
    TxAttenuation = 0
    BitSwap = Enable
    BitSwapUp = Disable
    NTRMode = Disable
    CodeType = AnnexA
    MaxDownRate = 4095
    PhysicalPort = 0
    Retrain = Enable
    DetectNoise = Disable
    Capability = Disable
    CodingGain= auto
    FramerType = Type3
    FastRetrain = Enable
    ClockType = Crystal
    ACPilotTone = Enable
    DyingGasp = Disable
    Defaults = None
    resetDefaults = false
    portSnmpIfIndex = 0
    portSnmpIfType = 0

    I seem to recall that the line noise or attentuation is of importance but i have no idea what the parameters should be….any ideas ?


    @XDC-snell wrote:

    That day been when I stop buying shiney things and spead money on the flat 🙄

    Lol you and me both m8

    Wet – sounds like the line is being thottled. I’d get onto your ISP about it – they may have forgotten to remove the throttle.


    Rx = Receive
    Tx = Transmit

    See, I did learn something useful when I was in the mil


    16 Db is fine, when it drops below about 8 it tends to drop, its worth checking it at peak times tho, around 2200 hours! If it does drop to around 4 or less you may have to get them to lower your speed.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    lower the speed!!!! would be nice to move up from 2Mb…….i’m guessing that over the next 10 days it’l creep slowly upwards towards the 8Mb until they find the stable limit then lock it to speak.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    bah!! spoke to tech support at nildram and i’m told i have to wait 10 days for the settling in period….guess i’m just being inpatient, but i still feel its not right as the ip profile from BT is showing up 2000kbps instead of 8000kbps.

    Shall now try and disconnect router for 30 minutes then wait for 70 minutes and see what happens (mean’t to induce some kind of reset at exchange apparently) 🙄

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