cabbie, take me to…………..

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  • #17472
    XDC wild egg tamer

    Nottingham 😯

    got to Kings Cross this morning around 12.30am and got asked by a nice chap and his missus if i could take them to Nottingham and if i’d be happy to do it for £200…………well 2 and a bit hours later i was the happy owner of 200 quid and had a nice drive home, finally got to bed about 6am only for my cuz to call me at 9!! i never did get back to sleep 🙁

    I had the meter running the whole way and it registered £390 😯 next time i’m quoting £260 😉

    Thats me done, i’m off to Italy tomorrow for a week so the extra cash has helped out with spending money.

    sometimes i love my job 😀


    Result 😀 And you didn’t even have to go south of the river to get there!


    nice one!
    Enjoy Italy M8 😉

    XDC wild egg tamer

    will do Jonny……….shall be drinking plenty of the good red stuff 😉


    I thought that was only in Romania 😛
    Vlad the Impaler (dracula, transilvania) Romania?!
    I’ll get my coat

    xdc magicker

    and i bet it will still cheaper than them getting 2 last minute train tickets.

    xdc the doc

    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    and i bet it will still cheaper than them getting 2 last minute train tickets.

    flippin tell me about it! As someone sitting on a train this very second (for the first time in a long while) I am seething about this overpriced piece of shit rail service. Should never have been privatised.


    The rail service is still public over here, all transport is. I live about 4 minutes away from the nearest train halt, though as we only have 2 main train lines I’m limited as to where I can actually go! Uni only costs 80p, and takes about 20 minutes including changing trains, so it’s quicker than driving 😀

    xdc the doc

    80p fo a 20 min trip? get in! The UK pays less per head of population on the rail network than just about any other european nation. British rail (as it was) was pretty shit too…. but I can’t say that the service has improved any….. and now you need to remortgage your house if you want to take a train to London from up here.

    we used to pay huge government subsidies for a so so service…. but at least the money stayed in the system… now it has to be siphoned off on multiple management teams and shareholders dividends.

    when is the revolution going to start? I’m getting impatient. 😈


    Vote for me, I will make you Minister of Transport


    @Wipers wrote:

    Result 😀 And you didn’t even have to go south of the river to get there!

    LOL! Nottingham or Streatham? It’s a no brainer really. Nice work if you can get it eh WET?

    @Lord Phartsbury wrote:

    Vote for me, I will make you Minister of Transport

    I’ll vote for you if you promise not to send government secrets by 2nd class post.

    xdc magicker

    i was bored a few years back and started checking limo websites – i found it was cheaper to hire a limo to get 4 adults from sheffield to london and back than it was to get next day train tickets!


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