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  • #85839
    XDC wild egg tamer

    just been watching some vids on the standalone, I love the interaction you get with other players:

    watch from about 9mins 15 secs to see what I mean.

    I think I may order this and see what it’s like, maybe I can hook up with others and get some help with the menu system etc.


    At the moment it’s very much a work in progress but it does have good potential. I expect to spend more time on it once they release some vehicles.


    The interaction with randoms was always a big part of the mod. I remember being picked up by a group of people who I thought were going to kill me. We ran from electro towards starry sobor but halfway, one of the 3 of them got killed by a zombie like an idiot. They gave me an axe and I took his gear back to the coast, but when we got there, a guy attacked our group. I took the distraction as a chance to bury the axe in the back of one of my groups head, take his gun then gun down his buddy.

    After a few weeks of playing, all player interaction boils down to is “look, there’s a player, shoot him”.

    Not sure if it will change in alpha or if I even want to to change 🙂

    Gary Goat

    Its pretty basic at the moment but there is huge potential, at the start it doesn’t really seem like they’ve made much progress but the inventory crafting system and stuff like that is pretty good. My first play i spawn right near electro and was just west of the powerplant when a group of 4 players who were armed to the teeth started heading my way. I had no weapons so there wasn’t much i could do. They held me up and then handcuffed me, stripped me of my gear and then one of them force fed me something poisonous! After moving around a bit i broke free of the handcuffs and then pegged it into electro whilst zigg zaggin to dodge the automatic weapons fire. Got out of their line of site but i had taken some bullets and was bleeding but luckily there was a shirt in the building i was in so i tore it up and used the rags as bandages. Next mission was to do something about the poison as my character was making some pretty horrible groaning noises. Made my way to the hospital as fast as i could and started searching it but there was nothing that would help me, by this point my character was stopped to throw up every now and then and i figured it was only going to get worse. Spent the next 5 mins frantically running around electro trying to find somthing that would help until a zombie got me.



    lol that’s awesome


    Have been watching a few vids on youtube of this whilst waiting for my GFXcard to arrive will be getting DayZ for sure


    I just got pressured into buying it. Fucking paddy and chris


    my arse still hurts

    XDC wild egg tamer

    is there a particular server I should be playing on to be sure I can meet up at some point?

    At the mo i’m still getting used to the controls, haven’t fully worked out how the inventory works and keep getting attacked by zombies who I try to punch to death but seems futile! Oh and one zombie got me even though only his head was visible on the ground floor of a house I was checking out.

    I’ll keep coming back to it from time to time as it’s a good game and has huge potential as the updates roll out.


    Just jump on TS mate and ask if anyone’s playing it, and if not I’m sure some will join you. Also don’t pay attention to the channel name where people are sitting in ts atm, as it’s a case of sitting where ppl are and doesn’t necessarily relate to the game they’re playing.


    Yeah, me, Wolf, ziggzagg and RecoilUK are all playing it a fair bit and we have a decent grasp of the mechanics. If you jump on TS and come talk to us whatever channel we are in, we’ll definately be up for some DayZ and can absolutely help you out

    Maybe not Wolf, he may too busy trying to court you…

    Because he’s gay…

    Actually, if you are older than 15, you should be ok…

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