Diablo 3 – worthy of the hype?

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    I was totally addicted to the last 2 so wondering whether it is worth getting the new one? And has the DRM lag/errors cleared up yet? Tenpted to download tonight but not if I won’t be able to play!


    downloading now


    The game is good. I never really got into D2 multiplayer scene as I lacked the internet connection 12 years ago. I did play the game extensively on single player and loved it. Played diablo 1 for got knows how long too.

    It is frustrating trying to play a single player game and being unable to because of disconnects. I thought this had all been resolved but I got kicked off last night whilst trying to play. I’ve only put maybe 8 or 9 hours into it but I am really enjoying it. I still feel it’s cheeky to ask for £45, considering the money blizzard must have made from WoW and the shit state of the servers/back-end tech.

    But, I would still recommend the game, as it’s a lot of fun to play.

    I have concerns for the future though. The game is built around the AH. At the moment, to get good gear, you grind and get gold, buy shit of the AH. That’s all well and good, but when the real money AH comes, people will want to sell their awesome weapons for real money, meaning if you want, them, you will need to kill the boss maybe 300 times (as the loot is so stupid that way) or pay actual money for it. It will be interesting (or depressing) to see what happens.


    I swear your knife says “Throats Clit”



    I bought it online – love how you can play after only downloading half the game!


    Dowloaded but now I am going to have to wait for a patch as the game is causing my pc to crash about 2 mins after I start the game , others are suffering the same issues according to the forums , so I may be a while before I get started 🙁


    All your drivers upto date windows upto date cronic?


    Hurrah , is working , though I am finding the game a little addictive and I dont really know why .


    I have concerns for the future though. The game is built around the AH. At the moment, to get good gear, you grind and get gold, buy shit of the AH. That’s all well and good, but when the real money AH comes, people will want to sell their awesome weapons for real money, meaning if you want, them, you will need to kill the boss maybe 300 times (as the loot is so stupid that way) or pay actual money for it. It will be interesting (or depressing) to see what happens.

    You lost me there as well with the AH chat. Before that part it was sounding a pretty shit investment, and I’m sure that wasn’t your intention giving how much you were wanking over this.

    Now would also be the perfect time to call you a GEEEEEEK!!


    AH = Auction house. There will be real money AH’s soon. Only heard good things about the game but most people have issues with actually being able to play it when they want too. It seems odd that you can’t play it single player without going online, but that’s the DRM they chose!


    Hmmm… tried my first 20 mins of gaming in front of the girlfriend last night and she now thinks I am a geek.


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Hmmm… tried my first 20 mins of gaming in front of the girlfriend last night and she now thinks I am a geek.

    your fucked now


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Hmmm… tried my first 20 mins of gaming in front of the girlfriend last night and she now thinks I am a geek.

    your fucked now

    Are you yet to tell your wife?


    she let go a long time!

    Every chick loves a gamer!


    just 20 mins?

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