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  • #15776

    Hows this for stupidity

    We have tractor, chavy celica, mondeo then myself going along the road to work.

    fairly straight road ahead where you can see the next half mile or so, the chavmobile goes to pull out from the tractor and sees a car coming so pulls back in.

    No indicators used.

    Now I am further back and am not tailgating a big fuck off tractor wih a trailer, nothings coming and were all going at 20mph, so I pull out on to the right hand side of the road with my right hand indicator on as you should!

    So get past the mondeo and nearly level with the chavy celica with big fuck off exhaust and personal plate and chav with cap on driving!

    What happens next?


    Well, since you are blatently insulting his manhood by overtaking him, the only way he can wear burberry with pride again is by gettng your exhaust stains on his front bumper.


    You think his car is kool, flash him over, ask for his number so you can date him, meet up, get him pissed, take him home with you and have bumsex over how kool his ghey car is?

    come on I’m close aint i.. huh huh…

    p.s. I opted for number 3 hactumally


    That Celica guy reminds me of someone I saw ahead of me once…

    You know when you’re behind a car, you can see the driver’s face in their rear-view mirror? I was curious about this one because instead of the face, I was looking at his seatbelt. It soon became clear that he’d adjusted the mirror so that he saw his own reflection. Worse, he spent a lot of time looking in it. That’s the kind of guy who doesn’t use indicators. Well, maybe he would if he had neon-blue indicators :evil:.


    He points you to pull over and offers you a blowjob!


    I’m going with option #3 and after my own experiences that guy will bs and say he already indicated and started to pull out then you started overtaking, the police will proabbly believe them over you too =/


    well 3 is what actually happened and there was plenty of witnesses!

    and he moved out earler with no indicators, so he did it twice without indicting.


    so apart from him not indicating…..which wasnt really necessary as he was so close up the tractors arse he wouldnt have seen it anyway……its your fault yer ??

    come on muggers admit it ??

    you just couldnt wait could you ?? why would you attempt to overtake someone in front of you behind a tractor ??

    specially after you had already seen he had made one attempt ??

    what was the rush ??

    maybe pulling out into the right hand side and then flashing him to let him know its safe to pull out would have been the better option ??

    but no……you had to overtake him dintcha…….king of the road……you get right of way when it comes to overtaking tractors eh…….bloody joyriders…..all the same ๐Ÿ˜›

    i would definately contest this claim if i were in the mondeo…….he had right of way to overtake the tractor first…….as he was the first one behind it.

    its reasonable to expect to be allowed to overtake……without then clanging into some crazy boffin in a rush to get to get to pc world cos they got a 24 million squigabite hard drive on offer for รƒฦ’ร†โ€™รƒยขรขโ€šยฌร…ยกรƒฦ’รขโ‚ฌลกรƒโ€šร‚ยฃ9.99 innit ??

    out of curiousity ?? what car do you drive muggers ??


    The witnesses will neevr be found and if they are they will say they never saw anything =/


    heh i dont know

    Well he hesitated and the road would have run out in which case he would have got past and we would all still be sat behind the tractor.

    My point is he didnt indicate to pull out which is wrong full stop. basic highway code and he looked like a chav, so no contest ๐Ÿ˜› as insane and others pointed out their gay!

    I drive a Renault Megane 1.6 ๐Ÿ™‚ and have to put up with flippin tractors every other day on my way to and from work.

    Why would anyone want to go to PC world to actually buy something?

    Oh and I know your trying your best to wind me up lol


    Oh and I know your trying your best to wind me up lol

    awwww shit……good spot mugs….after all these years too ๐Ÿ˜‰


    The witnesses will neevr be found and if they are they will say they never saw anything =/

    Thats because they too think your a toss Bike Rider too! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Mugs : what happened to your Updated Capri you polished with your bollock yoghurt so much??

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