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  • #18858

    From:Jeff Peters

    Date: Wednesday 8 April 2009 10.22am

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Membership Renewal

    Dear David

    This is a friendly reminder to let you know your gym membership expired last week. Your membership is important to us and we would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation by offering you a 20% discount on your membership renewal. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

    All the best, Jeff Peters

    From: David Thorne

    Date: Wednesday 8 April 2009 1.37pm

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Membership Renewal

    Dear Jeff,

    Thankyou for your friendly reminder and the kind offer to reduce my membership by twenty percent. I own a calculator but I could not work out how to do percentages on it so have estimated that I save around $372.10 off the normal price of $420.00 – Please confirm that this is correct and I will renew my membership immediately.
    Also, do I get a Fitness First sports bag with towel and drinking bottle included in the price? I own my own legwarmers and headband.

    Regards, David.

    From: Jeff Peters

    Date: Thursday 9 April 2009 10.01am

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Hello David
    How did you come to that amount? Our half year membership fees are actually $460 but with the 20% discount as an existing member your renewing membership fee would be only $368 for the six months saving you almost $100 off the normal price. We are not Fitness First so do not have those bags.

    Cheers, Jeff

    From: David Thorne

    Date: Thursday 9 April 2009 10.18am

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Dear Jeff

    Do I get free shipping with that?

    Regards, David.

    From: Jeff Peters

    Date: Thursday 9 April 2009 12.48pm

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Free shipping with what? The $368 covers your membership fees for six months.

    From: David Thorne

    Date: Thursday 9 April 2009 2.26pm

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Dear Jeff

    By the power of Greyskull that is a lot of money but I admit to being in desperate need of increasing my body strength. My ten year old child often turns the taps off in the bathroom very tightly and I have to go several days without washing.
    I feel bad constantly having to ask the lady from next door to come over and loosen them for me, what with her arthritis and limited wheelchair access to my apartment. To be honest, I originally joined your gym with full intentions of attending every few days but after waiting in vain for someone to offer me steroids, I began to suspect this was not going to happen and the realisation that I may have to exercise instead was, quite frankly, horrifying.
    My aversion to work, along with the fact one of your employees, Justin, was rather rude, telling me to ‘lift this’, ”push that’ dulled my initial enthusiasm of becoming muscular and I stopped attending.

    Regards, David.

    From: Jeff Peters

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 9.17am

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Hello David

    Not sure how to take your email, nobody here would offer you steroids, it is illegal and none of our staff would do this. Justin is one of our most experienced trainers and if you found him rude while he was trying to be helpful and just doing his job then there are plenty of other gyms you could look at joining instead.

    Cheers, Jeff

    From: David Thorne

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 10.02am

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Dear Jeff

    Yes, I have noticed that there are many gyms in my area. I assume the low qualification requirements of fitness trainers means that there is an over supply of these buffed but essentially otherwise purposeless professionals.

    I knew a guy in high school who couldn’t talk very well and collected sticks, he used to call the teacher ‘mum’ and during recess we would give him money to dance. Then sell him sticks to get our money back.

    He went on to become a fitness instructor so I view gyms as kind of like those factories that provide a community service by employing people with down syndrome to lick stamps and pack boxes. Except with more Spandex obviously.

    Regards, David.

    From: Jeff Peters

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 10.32am

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Go f$*k yourself.

    From: David Thorne

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 11.38am

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Dear Jeff

    I was, at first, quite surprised at your response; one minute you are inviting me to renew my membership and asking me for money, the next insulting me. After doing a little research however, I have learnt that mood swings are an expected side effect of steroid abuse.

    As another side effect is a reduction in the size of your p#$%, this gives you understandable cause to be an angry person. I have also learnt that Spandex contains carcinogenic properties so this does not bode well for yourself and your shiny friends.

    If I woke up one morning and my p#$% was a quarter of the size I would probably take my anger out on those around me as well.

    There are probably support groups or websites that could help you manage your problem more effectively and picture based books available on the subject for people with limited reading skills. When I am angry I like to Listen to music by Linkin Park. The added angst and desire to cut myself works similarly to the way firefighters fight forest fires by burning off sections, effectively canceling each other out and I find myself at peace.

    I understand that you guys usually listen to Pet Shop Boys or Frankie Goes to Hollywood so this may be worth a try.

    Regards, David.

    From: Jeff Peters

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 1.04pm

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due


    From: David Thorne

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 1.15pm

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due


    From: Jeff Peters

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 1.25pm

    To: David Thorne

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    Is that you being a smartarse or agreeing not to email me again?

    From: David Thorne

    Date: Friday 10 April 2009 1.32pm

    To: Jeff Peters

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Membership Renewal Due

    The middle one.

    crazy hippo

    Hahahaha, that was brilliant.


    Very good, I didn’t know SickOfItAll was called David.


    You expect him to read all that? (without help of course)

    I found it rather amusing, espesh “By the power of grayskull” bit.. dunno why but that made me piss (yes tooth, I have a bladder issue, I’m discusting, I smell, or whatever you want to add 🙂 )

    As mentioned before, SOIA should do this for a giggle


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    dunno why but that made me piss

    I believe because it was funny and therefore you giggled like a little girl and your detrusor muscle contracted and squeezed out a little bit of pee pee :mrgreen:


    about time someone put something good up cheers fellas


    lol, do I detect roid rage?



    Mike you cheeky beggar! true though 😆


    Fuck you’re slow Max!! and it was Paddy who started the thread…. good effort!

    xdc magicker

    lol very funny


    Shit me, I am a little slow there! Blimey, I must get on here more often then I have been!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    it must be all the picture books you’ve been reading!!! 😉


    Will promise to spend more time on here, been a tough year starting my business up but all the hard work has now paid off! Sorry XDC Family, not been ignoring you lot!

    BF2 anyone 😀


    BF2 anyone

    Absolutely, as long as you’re on my side 😉 Jump on IRC when you want a game and ping me.

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