G7 Mouse

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 G7 Mouse

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    Afternoon All,

    Enjoying your roast dinners?

    So a quick question? Picked up a G7 mouse the other day upgraded from the MX900 (well I’ve gotta spend my hard earned money on something right?) And what I’ve noticed is that ingame you can change the dpi between 3 settings. My question is, is this cheating? Example: When I’m in a gun turret I can put it to the 1st setting which will allow me to rotate the turret quicker than normal. The 2nd setting is great for normal soldier play, and the 3rd for sniping.

    What do you lot think? Anyone else have the same mouse?

    Anywayz catch ya later on the server. I need fooooood.


    Not at all I don’t think that’s cheating 🙂


    Depends if you’ve just killed me on each time 😛


    @Erratic-Space wrote:

    Afternoon All,

    Enjoying your roast dinners?

    So a quick question? Picked up a G7 mouse the other day upgraded from the MX900 (well I’ve gotta spend my hard earned money on something right?) And what I’ve noticed is that ingame you can change the dpi between 3 settings. My question is, is this cheating? Example: When I’m in a gun turret I can put it to the 1st setting which will allow me to rotate the turret quicker than normal. The 2nd setting is great for normal soldier play, and the 3rd for sniping.

    What do you lot think? Anyone else have the same mouse?

    Anywayz catch ya later on the server. I need fooooood.

    I use a G5 that has the same functionality and use it in-game, great for tanks, but do not use th slow mode for sniping as it is too slow


    Cheating IMO!!


    BS is it cheating!
    Thats like saying having a joystick or a special gaming keyboard or Max´s magic tracker ball mouse makes you a cheat because it helps your gameplay
    I have a G5 and to be honest Ive only ever tried the turret thing once and not bothered with it again as I was still shit at it 😆


    i have the razar diamondback, and it’s got on the fly senstivity, you can wang to wayyyy up when your in tanks, it rocks, and is in no way cheating.


    That’s not cheating.

    When I played CoD, one server I frequented upped their realism rules to the extent of removing the crosshair. To get around this irritation, I drew an X in the middle of my monitor.
    When I told them about it, they banned me.

    Am I a gutless cheater like erratic-space or just a regular guy like… like 😕 umm.. mmm?

    -Jury out


    Ok lets not call it cheating as it can be a strong word, but one word that does fit is lame. It’s on the same lines a spawn camping and base raping in that the game does allow it as a legal move, but your ethics and sportsmanship should tell you otherwise.

    Console games are designed as such so that everyone has the same spec machine and peripherals so everyone is at the same standing and their talent sets them apart, which is only fair as the battlefield is about skill.

    Now anyone who is a big enough noob with a big enough wallet can buy a peripheral that can severely outperform theirs… does that mean if you get killed by someone with a super-mouse that they have skill?? Probably not 😛 But why would they give a shit if they’re prawning your ass left right and centre anyway. If someone really didn’t like their sensitivity they can just adjust it in the settings.

    Fair enough the consumer needs choice, but that can be done in build quality, colours, LED’s and other kinds of crap instead of adding ‘omg I’m 1337 because I press this and I get 1000 points’ turbo-fire style buttons =/

    Y’all (except spunker because he doesn’t use it) moved up in my ‘to kill’ list!!

    Microsoft Intellimouse optical FTW!! £15 OEM and will probably last for 15 years!!!


    Cool, cool. I think my use of the word cheating was a bit off. I think more that it gives an unfair advantage to those with it. Cheers though for your views. It obviously doesn’t help me that much as I still get wooped 🙂


    So anyone who upgrades their pc is being lame… looks like im pretty cool then 🙂


    Havign a good PC doesn’t mean you will kick ass 😛 if anything it means you will be able to load in the game some time today and have things not too ugly, but fog etc are still set to the same distances for all. good hardware in itself won’t actually make you any better at playing the game, it just helps make the game more enjoyable. I actually preferred playing 1942 in 800 x 600 even though my PC could do it in 1600 x 1200 😛

    XDC MadHippy

    I got a G7 – never changed the DPI while playing, If I go into a game with max settiing (2000) I can’t play for shit. Pissed off with the battery changes on the G7 – Next mouse will be wired for certain


    @LeGIt wrote:

    Havign a good PC doesn’t mean you will kick ass 😛 if anything it means you will be able to load in the game some time today and have things not too ugly, but fog etc are still set to the same distances for all. good hardware in itself won’t actually make you any better at playing the game, it just helps make the game more enjoyable. I actually preferred playing 1942 in 800 x 600 even though my PC could do it in 1600 x 1200 😛

    sorry, but you’re contradicting yourself………how can having on the fly sensitivity be considered the same as spawn raping or camping, thats just lame crazy talk. 😯

    Does that mean because old phart and the like have SLI gfx cards, they’re the same as max for using his hax? utter bollocks 🙄


    @LeGIt wrote:

    Ok lets not call it cheating as it can be a strong word, but one word that does fit is lame. It’s on the same lines a spawn camping and base raping in that the game does allow it as a legal move, but your ethics and sportsmanship should tell you otherwise.

    Console games are designed as such so that everyone has the same spec machine and peripherals so everyone is at the same standing and their talent sets them apart, which is only fair as the battlefield is about skill.

    Now anyone who is a big enough noob with a big enough wallet can buy a peripheral that can severely outperform theirs… does that mean if you get killed by someone with a super-mouse that they have skill?? Probably not 😛 But why would they give a shit if they’re prawning your ass left right and centre anyway. If someone really didn’t like their sensitivity they can just adjust it in the settings.

    Fair enough the consumer needs choice, but that can be done in build quality, colours, LED’s and other kinds of crap instead of adding ‘omg I’m 1337 because I press this and I get 1000 points’ turbo-fire style buttons =/

    Y’all (except spunker because he doesn’t use it) moved up in my ‘to kill’ list!!

    Microsoft Intellimouse optical FTW!! £15 OEM and will probably last for 15 years!!!

    Am i the only one to see legit claiming a certain type of play/ computer component is lame!?

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