Games testing

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    @crazy hippo wrote:

    ah the life of a tester……..

    its repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.

    testing is not for everyone, most people who play games wont enjoy it, of the few that do enjoy it most are pretty useless.

    if you enjoy breaking others peoples work, being a critical little sod and generaly pulling 3 years work apart then testing is fun. always make me chuckle when the devs say “wtf were you doing?” it means i was doing my job.

    i dont enjoy it as much as i used to but then i have been polluted by the business side of the industry but hey.

    usual days testing will be something along these lines.

    8:50 get in to the office make a coffee or if you over slept then its now more like 9:30 🙂
    9:30 the lead will have told you what tests you are running. the types of test vary depending on what stage the game is in of its QA lifecycle. can be just a checklist of making sure that the a particular vehicle or series of vehicles is correct, graphics/animation/audio (over various terrain)/physics (suspension, wheels rotate/steering/damage etc. right up to being told to just go break the game (although this is normally only given to the good experienced testers)
    11:00 have a break for 10 mins or so
    11:15 back to work usually doing exactly the same as you were doing earlier but on a different section of the game.
    1:00 till 2:00 lunch a.k.a play games for an hour
    2:00 carry on with whatever you were doing before unless otherwise directed.
    4:00 have a break.
    4:15 same as the rest of the day
    6:00 go home

    now this sounds dull and tbh it is. BUT and for me its the reason why i do it, i get to go to work in a relaxed atmosphere, take regular breaks and talk all day to a bunch of people with similar intersts. you get to have a laugh while doing the job.

    no suits, no ties, no uniforms. just jeans and a t-shirt talking to cool people all day.

    oh and testing the battlefield series (up till 2142) were the best titles i worked on and great fun. especially working in sweden for 4 months on BF2.

    This sounds right up my street! 😉

    How do you find out about jobs? …do you know of any jobs going Hippo?


    Yea Hippo, you make it sound ace….

    THE REALITY – strap in Divie

    8:50 get in to the office make a coffee or if you over slept then its now more like 9:30
    9:30 the lead will have told you that your going on Split shifts for the next three months…don’t expect to see anyone ever again. Plead your case for ‘why I should be on earlies’ unless you are one of those ..”COOL FREE PIZZA????? WHAT I DON’T HAVE TO PAY AND I CAN ORDER CHICKEN WINGS INSTEAD” for most, this novelty wears off fast but there are a few, usually the spottier, goth T-Shirt wearing ones that smell of wee (hate to stereotype but heh wait and tell me I’m wrong) that see late nights and Pizza playing games and trying to change the desktop wallpaper on the util pc as a Utopian existance.

    EARLIES If you get 7am to 3pm, you will think cool..i’ll be home at 4 and I can happily wave at the next bunch of loosers as they walk in. Except you conveniently forget that you will no longer be able to sit up until 4am playing BF2 or World of Borecraft so you will take a desk at the back and fall asleep in the previous late shifts curry grease sodden desk at 7.30am hiding behind the divider….long term you will turn into a Zombie that perpetually tells themselves that you are the envy of all when in reality you have forgotten that life outside the great house of the unwashed a chamber that packs in testers like battery chickens and smells of microwave popcorn, 3 day old Pizza and rancid half eaten Beef pot noodles that have been thrown under the desk…oh I forgot the JB’s takeaways… I will never forget JB’s takeaways and neither will my Ring.

    LATE SHIFT Yay now you can stay up until 6am playing World of Borecraft AND BF2, get up around 2pm and go in..awesome you may think.. You will get handed all the dodgy game coverage that no other bugger wanted …ooo cool you want me to spend the next 7 hours moving the pause menu volume slider to every position…..and then do it on the NTSC version…just as you finish there will be a new build and you will have to do it again.” then before you know it you will be ordering you next Pizza while your level 3 colon is still battling with the last level 25 Doughbeast. You will go home at 11.00pm and will jump on server after server just as they empty…pah real people doing normal hours sux0r.

    NIGHTS If you have a team leader as good as I was, then you will be able to turn all the lights off and have a kip and no-one will ever know…pfft yea right like you’d get away with that *cough**ahem*

    So as Hippo says ” repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition” the whole ‘in Sweden testing BF2’ is blue moon stuff and you even if you are lucky to be plucked into the light you will be there so long that you will end up calling everyone Olaf and driving a 1974 Volvo and will consider contributing to Stockholms ‘largest teenage suicide rates’ while listening to ABBA on your Ipod, meanwhile your mrs (if she’s hung around since you told her you were going into games testing) will have buggered off siteing reasons of ‘conflicting attitudes’ you weren’t into Yoga and she wasn’t really into pwning looos0r n00bs.

    Joking aside, it’s not a bad career choice but be prepared for a little disappointment it will do your head in. Gameboy Catwoman still wakes me up screaming.
    I’d still say it was probably the best job I’ve had to date, met some ace people (not Hippo he’s real dodgy and looks like a vampire cursed Milky Bar kid) and ideal if you have little or no commitments and are happy living day to day.

    The punchline is I’m testing IVR phone systems in NZ, NO PIZZA and you have to actually test. Mind you it pays nearly 4 times as much, so get the games thang out of your system, go get ISTQB accredited and then earn some proper testing cash, preferably somewhere sensible in the world.

    err so how are you all?


    well thx for the info hippo and judge, i’m thinking i might as well have a look see and see where it goes!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    woot the judge returneth!!!!!



    Always found game testing my second career choice, so whats the crack, whats the average salary, any jobs going?

    XDC wild egg tamer

    could you afford the pay cut max ? 😀


    I dont think hacking counts Steve.


    LMAO @ Judge 🙂 Priceless m8. Good to see you back.

    Max – I’d love to see Dawn’s face when you tell her you’re giving it all up to become a games tester…



    @Wipers wrote:

    Max – I’d love to see Dawn’s face when you tell her you’re giving it all up to become a games tester…


    I doubt thered be much suprise 😆

    crazy hippo

    @=XDC=JuDgE-MenTaL wrote:

    met some ace people (not Hippo he’s real dodgy and looks like a vampire cursed Milky Bar kid)

    love ya too man!


    ok what did i miss – thought you were going into the army/navey/flyboy school?




    then before you know it you will be ordering you next Pizza while your level 3 colon is still battling with the last level 25 Doughbeast

    crackin stuff 😆

    welcome home fella……you know it makes sense

    i spat the dummy but ultimately……i couldnt take my eyes off it either

    wheres the fucking arguments you bunch of retards ! 😛


    w00tster, ’tis the judg0rz. How’s it going m8?



    @=XDC=FluffyBunny wrote:

    ok what did i miss – thought you were going into the army/navey/flyboy school?

    If that was to me then yeah i thought so too but the mental aptitude tripped me up lol

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