great stunt flying….

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    XDC wild egg tamer

    done a search for Svetlana Kapanina (read about her on a flying forum) and found these pretty good vids of some stunt flying

    and also

    i think i’ve found my ideal woman!!



    If you like that sort of thing the Red Bull Air Race is in London this weekend – if I hadn’t forked out for a new Arai lid and my MOT next week I’d have contemplated going down your way to see it :O


    Thank fuck for MOTs and …Arai…lids!!


    argg the music ears …MY EARS!!!! blood everywhere!
    otherwise nice vid top totty


    Look, that was okay but if she also sung her 80’s hit China in Your Hand at the same time, then I’d be dead impressed.

    It was a theme she had
    On a scheme he had
    Told in a foreign land
    To take life on earth
    To the second birth
    And the man was in command
    It was a flight on the wings
    Of a young girl’s dreams
    That flew too far away
    And we could make the monster live again

    Oh hands move and heart beat on
    Now life will return in this electric storm
    A prophecy for a fantasy
    The curse of a vivid mind

    Don’t push too far
    Your dreams are china in your hand
    Don’t wish too hard
    Because they may come true
    And you can’t help them
    You don’t know what you might
    Have set upon yourself
    China in your hand

    Come from greed
    Never born of the seed
    Took a life from a barren hand
    Oh eyes wide
    Like a child in the form of man
    A story told
    A mind of his own
    An omen for our time

    Don’t push too far
    Your dreams are china in your hand
    Don’t wish too hard
    Because they may come true
    And you can’t help them
    You don’t know what you might
    Have set upon yourself
    China in your hand
    Oh your hand
    Your dreams are china in your hand, wooah
    Here in your hand
    China in your hand, woh oh oh woh oh oh woh oh
    Here in your hand

    Woh! You take a flight on the wings of fantasy
    Then you push too far
    And make your dreams reality
    Yeah! For the china in your hand
    But you shouldn’t push too hard

    You take a flight on the wings of fantasy
    Then you push too hard
    You make those dreams reality
    Yeah! China in your hands
    But they’re only dreams

    XDC wild egg tamer



    Soia, you are indeed a sick man. lol


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Thank fuck for MOTs and …Arai…lids!!

    Bleh the Helmet was £410 – but the difference being over a cheapo helmet is being alive or being alive and being a vegetable/dead 😮 Granted £60 of that was on an illegal-for-road-use dark tinted visor but the helmet looks so much more pimp with it – sort of like an all-black stormtrooper thing going on now 😉

    I may still see how much it will cost me to get down there and if I can stretch to it yet though 😉


    Have you ever thought that the black illegal tinted visor is the reason you keep fuckin crashin? There’s illegal for a reason.

    I sure you come up with some bollocks excuse anyway.


    I don’t even ride with a visor down, I ride visor up and it’s the first time I’ve ever had a tinted visor, of any tint other than crystal clear! Considering how dark it is on the outside it is surprisingly visible on the inside – kind of like those 1 way mirror type things, but without the mirror.

    visor up = flies n shit in your eye (which you get used to) but in the 99.9% of the time that isn’t happening you get better clarity because the clear plastic isn’t 100% opaque. You also hear more, which means you’re hearing things before most people with a visor down or in their cars with their doors/windows closed +/- their sound system on do, which makes you more aware of your surroundings, which makes you a better driver 😛

    There are a few things you can’t prepare for *like the car behind you deciding not to brake at lights* or *like the car pulling to park on your side of the road when you’re almost parallel to it and the road behind you is clear* 🙄 If you want to hear bollocks excuses crash #1 the chap said his foot slipped off the brake…considering they have rubber grips (or atleast your shoes do) and as car drivers yourselves you know it’s nigh on impossible, it’s obviously a BS excuse but atleast he had the decency to admit liability. Crash #2 the chap says I was driving on the wrong side of the road and not looking… erm I was in my lane and I hit his front passenger side – to do that in the other lane I’d have to be driving either on the other pavement or atleast in the gutter? ROFL… To hit that side it’s plausible the car was at 45 degrees and in my side of the road, no?

    Air Race tickets available here:

    The O2 Standing Zone 1 SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
    The O2 Standing Zone 2 £20 £30
    The O2 Standing Zone 3 £20 £30
    The O2 Grandstands £40 £50
    Peruvian Wharf Standing SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
    Peruvian Wharf Grandstands £40 £50
    Race Club £195 + VAT SOLD OUT
    High Flyers Lounge £495 + VAT £645 + VAT

    Schedule Saturday 28th July
    09:00 Doors open
    11:30 Show starts
    12:30 Opening Ceremony
    12:40 Air Race Qualifying begins
    17:00 Close

    Schedule Sunday 29th July
    08:00 Doors open
    10:00 Show starts
    10:45 Air Race Finals begin
    15:00 Prizegiving
    17:00 Close

    For those of you who missed last years action, you can watch the highlights as well as some top quality stunt flying using Joost @


    Seriously… to drag this back on topic:

    can she make a gut busting Sunday morning fry-up?

    XDC MadHippy

    love the way she handles the ‘stick’ :))


    @sickofitall wrote:

    Look, that was okay but if she also sung her 80’s hit China in Your Hand at the same time, then I’d be dead impressed.

    Oh please dont compare her to that ming

    at least I’d hack that tune more than the original soundtrack on that 1st vid

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