Jobs for the boys

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    I have been thinking about this for ages.

    We should use the clan to grow our network of work contacts. For example, I recently discovered a need for:

    1 x Lead Application Testicle

    2 x Application Testes

    2 x Desktop/Server Munkehs

    1 x Cable Grunt

    4 x Packaging apes

    It has been a mission to recruit these people. Now, if I knew that =XDC=JohmSmiff was a tester or whatever, I could have asked him if he wanted a job.

    In fact, Wolf was a shoe in for a job last year that Max gave to a complete muppet. But we did not think of it at the time.

    So, my idea is to ark his esteemed Forumship to setup a Jobs forum.

    What do you lot think?

    I am an equal opportunities employer, but no fat birds, welshmen, poofters or nigerians need apply, so fook off


    Any in Manchester? I want Max’s wage!

    Have to say pharty its a great idea.. and if you need any high paid weekend IT work doing.. cash in hand expenses paid.. call me



    Actually that’s a very good idea Lord Von Ridgeback.


    If you need a tea bitch in 4 months, I will be available!

    I’m actually looking in to getting some experience in Website design… but I may have a job making films in Uganda and Indonesia if my plan comes together, so that may have to wait.

    Oh what fun!


    Top idea m8 🙂


    grand methinks 😉
    and we shall be known as:
    XDC masons 😀


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    If you need a tea bitch in 4 months, I will be available!

    Website design…
    Oh what fun!

    My wife has just shutdown her company after 7 years. If you want to live on the minimum wage, go for website design. If you want more money, go gor Java/Flash programming.

    BTW, most male designers I know ar butt-goblins??

    You got summat to tell us Turks?


    Would the packaging and desktop/server jobs be permanent?

    XDC wild egg tamer

    can be your official driver Sir. Phartsbury dear squire!!! 😛


    Well perhaps I will stay in the film industry then.

    Getting my first lesson on Monday – My teachers last film had Attenburugh, Bellamy and Titchmarsh in it… Get in!


    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    Would the packaging and desktop/server jobs be permanent?

    Not at this stage, certainly packaging is not.


    anything in Wassenaar?


    Fuck me I wouldn’t hire any of you bloody reprobates!! 😛

    Not a bad idea, though. And even if XDC’ers are not directly in the market, they may know somebody who is.

    So my pitch is that I have a mate who is looking for a web application developer. Needs C#, ASP.NET 2 and a smattering of SQL (MS SQL Server 2005 ideally, but to be honest the SQL side is pretty basic). The basic brief is to finish off a commercial web application that is part way through development.

    I was helping out for a while as a bit of a favour between consulting jobs, but now just started my new full time job as Development Director and so need to help him find a replacement. East Midlands area.

    PM me if interested or if you know someone who might be.


    C#, ASP.NET 2 …SQL

    You just making shit up?!


    In fact, Wolf was a shoe in for a job last year that Max gave to a complete muppet. But we did not think of it at the time.

    If you still need somebody to give Wolf a good shoe’ing, then I know a couple of former bouncers who’d do it for a few quid.

    Bizarrely, I’ve actually done most of those roles during my IT lifespan (which is now a decade 😥 ), except maybe the packaging stuff. I’ll drop you a CV Sean, but I’d be looking for full-time stuff really. At least you’ll have it on record.

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