LMFAO @ england rugby

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    Loosing to argentina!!

    Bwah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha….

    So how long until that guy who pretends to manage them gets the boot?


    We’ve lost the town of Rugby to the Argies? Didn’t they learn with the Falklands.

    Send in Thatcher to sink their ships 😆


    Well Rob Andrew the new rugby supremo – & the current manager Andy Robinson’s boss – said a couple of weeks ago that it did not matter if England lost all four of the autumn internationals….

    Surely one of the most bone stupid comments ever made. Robinson has to go – there is something very wrong in the England camp, and persisting in blind hope to the World Cup next year is madness.


    @VicJameson wrote:

    We’ve lost the town of Rugby to the Argies? Didn’t they learn with the Falklands.

    Send in Thatcher to sink their ships 😆

    I don’t understand the game myself, but if Argentina have captured Rugby then I say we hit them hard and fast. No prisoners.

    There’s a Mexican steak house in Hemel Hempstead (which might as well be Argentinian as it the same part of the world), anyone want to help me fire bomb it in reprisal?


    England aint looking good at the mo are they!!!

    Wales on the other hand are looking very good thou they still have a bit of work to do to polish of thier game!! 😀


    @airmessy wrote:

    Loosing to argentina!!

    Bwah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha….

    So how long until that guy who pretends to manage them gets the boot?

    hopefully never lol

    i never thought i would see the day that i would stop watching a wales game tt o watch an england one lmfao


    @Dropkick wrote:

    @airmessy wrote:

    Loosing to argentina!!

    Bwah ah ah ha ha ha ha ha….

    So how long until that guy who pretends to manage them gets the boot?

    hopefully never lol

    i never thought i would see the day that i would stop watching a wales game tt o watch an england one lmfao


    That’s what i did… After the first half was over for wales i flipped over to see what the score was…. That was it i had to watch it… all the time grinning like a Cheshire cat 😆

    You had to laugh after the wales game they were talking to ryan jones and guscot (sp) guscot had a face like a slapped twat but ryan jones could not stop grinning 🙂
    I love it.


    i had to watch it again on bbc2 yesterday , watching brian moore talking about it was the best comedy ever he was lost for words for possibly the first time in his life lol and to cap it all he looked so uncomfortable when he admitted he agreed with a newspaper article by stephen jones , it pained him to agree with a welshman lmao!!!!

    happy days!!!!! bring on the 5 and a half nations , england must surely be fearing their game with ……………….italy of course!!!!


    I used to live in Rugby. Its pants…let the Argies have it 😉


    i have just been advised by brian that aldi has some very good argintinian wine i may need to partake of a bottle or two in rembrence of english rugby , maybe i should burn a rugby ball or two and send the ashes to hq in a bottle 😉


    Trust me mate when I say, as a (used to be) wine taster, that Argentina connot make wine to save thier ass!!!

    Dont waste your money!!!

    Buy some English wine instead…….. no hang on ………. thats crap aswell…………. 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈


    @=XDC=Morgan wrote:

    Trust me mate when I say, as a (used to be) wine taster, that Argentina connot make wine to save thier ass!!!

    Dont waste your money!!!

    Buy some English wine instead…….. no hang on ………. thats crap aswell…………. 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈

    Bollox, some of the finest reds in the world. Their Malbec’s have come a long way, and their Cab Sauvs are up their with any of the leading new world wines.


    All depends on your taste buds mate. Done tasting and buying for 5 years and never once found one with was good on the pallet!! Granted Ive avoided Argie wines of late, so I might try a few!!

    And please calm your language other wise I’ll come around and smash your farkin face in!!!

    (love you really) 😈 😈


    @=XDC=Morgan wrote:

    All depends on your taste buds mate. Done tasting and buying for 5 years and never once found one with was good on the pallet!! Granted Ive avoided Argie wines of late, so I might try a few!!

    And please calm your language other wise I’ll come around and smash your farkin face in!!!

    (love you really) 😈 😈

    No worries Morgy old wellie, I have a bit of a thing for vino, and a close relative has his own vinyard in the Langhe, Piedmonte, and I have spent a lot of time with his vintner 8)

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