My Big Break

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    Just been given some basic training in camerage ness… and told that if I get some good footage in Uganda, I can expect to get some financial return from the project, and a potential career … the heat is on, as I am now using £3000 worth of kit where as my last footage I took on a £300 camera!

    Does anyone have any tips or tricks? I really want to make this work, as I cant be arsed with being a pen pusher all my life? Basically I have 3 weeks to train myself up on this kit, and write my diss… so Im going to be a busy boy!

    Then off I trot to Uganda, to do interviews and various scenes… by myself… fucking intense man!

    I have been given a Sony DSR-PDX10P.

    Any video bitches here?



    When you are in Uganda and a man with a ropey looking AK47 tells you to give him the camera, fix him with a steely stare and growl “you’re gonna have to kill me first you dumbass.” In my experience with bandits and ‘freedom fighters’ they are all cowards at heart and this will cause them to run away. Guarenteed.

    If you’re travelling to another country to make a movie, then you’ll need to do a storyboard before you go, and tick it off as you film. Don’t do lots of shots where you pan the camera and try to keep it as static as possible. This makes things much easier in the edditing stages as camera movement normally screws things up. Also when you want to stop recording something count to 3, before doing so. This again means that the footage is easier to edit rather than you stopping it too early.

    All shots need to be setup. Don’t jump from shot to shot. For example, if you are filming people in a village, get a wide shot of the place or of you pulling up in the truck before you start talking to people. That way the viewers will know that you have arrived at a village rather than thinking ‘where did these people come from’?

    XDC wild egg tamer

    keep the camera low to the ground when filming car chases as it gives an intense feeling of speed!!! 😀


    Some top advice from WET there, nice one.

    Along the same lines, if you want to film an earthquake you can do this simply by moving the camera in a shaky fashion and ask any people in shot to stumble around with their arms flailing about.


    Fanstastic… cheers guys 🙂


    The only video work i,ve done involved strapping videos to motorbikes and tearing around a race track for a few hours, so i dont feel qualified to offer advice, but what an adventure your gona have…WTG! 😀


    Not sure about motor bikes in Uganda – they are v dangerous… will go on some Boda bodas though – basically some dude on a bike, and you sit on the back… and cling on for dear life!

    Leave 3 weeks tomorrow – FUCK!


    With your current track record I’d say make sure this camera doesn’t get stolen this time – not just because of the expense and embarassing nudie footage… but because without it you can’t do shit 😛


    Yeah, get insured Turks. That way, when you sell the camera to buy poached human-horn, your sponsors won’t be out of pocket.

    LeGIt, ArmA has motorbikes 8) but no badges :shock:. Watcha gonna do?


    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    LeGIt, ArmA has motorbikes 8) but no badges :shock:. Watcha gonna do?

    I wouldn’t bother with it for the bikes to be honest. I’ve played around on them on ArmA a few times and I’ve never been able to go fast enough to be shit cool and invulnerable to crashes.

    (Hey hey hey – sorry chaps, couldn’t resist. Now hold on to your hats, here we go again!)


    @sickofitall wrote:

    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    LeGIt, ArmA has motorbikes 8) but no badges :shock:. Watcha gonna do?

    I wouldn’t bother with it for the bikes to be honest. I’ve played around on them on ArmA a few times and I’ve never been able to go fast enough to be shit cool and invulnerable to crashes.

    (Hey hey hey – sorry chaps, couldn’t resist. Now hold on to your hats, here we go again!)



    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    LeGIt, ArmA has motorbikes 8) but no badges :shock:. Watcha gonna do?

    Not buy it? -_-


    @LeGIt wrote:

    With your current track record I’d say make sure this camera doesn’t get stolen this time – not just because of the expense and embarassing nudie footage… but because without it you can’t do shit 😛

    Fortunatly I will be in civilised Uganda, not pikey Cheltenham, so that should not happen!

    Does anyone know of any professional vid camera forums – it turns out Sony dont put the instructions of their prof cameras on their site, so I am going to have to work it all out myself!!


    When filming yourself having sex with a lady, remember to withdraw at the point of climax to show the viewer those silken cords of jizz arcing into her face. A good film is nothing without a money shot.


    a peice of kit you should make a serious investment in is the “fig rig”

    its the best bloody invention in recent years. Its a steady cam system that is super flexible. you basically drive the camera around like a steering wheel and it will leave you with some impressive camera work. My missus bought one as she was filming the “making of” on the last film I worked on. It were that good that the cameramen on the film borrowed it and filmed some shots for the movie on it using their smaller celuloid camera (being about the size of that sony)
    you can get one for under £200 and although it doesnt look like much I can promise you it will make the world of difference.
    Other stuff. be sure to manually adjust settings like aperture to get best results and try to avoid using the flip out lcd screen during the day for obvious reasons. Always check your sound levels especially in any situations where people are talking and you want the audience to hear it. The general rule for that is DONT have the levels too high as correcting distortion is a pain in the ass and can never be resolved whereas low level can always be normalised and white noise cleaned up. SO try to make sure there is no peaking. Take some reasonable fold away headphones. Follow Neons advice as he has obviously been educated in this malarky also and has given you some very good advice there

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