new patch

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 new patch

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  • #15619
    XDC wild egg tamer

    It’s been noted by EA that the official Battlefield 2142 v1.10 patch will in fact be released tomorrow, December 19. Until the patch is released and the mirrors pour in, here’s the change log to tie you all over:

    – Remove ability to resupply all unlimited ammo objects
    – No longer able to use Sentry Gun pushing player into Titan Crate collision
    – No longer able to use RDX DemoPaks drop through first section of the 3rd and 4th upper hallways of both Titans
    – Away Bonus is now used when calculating in-game promotions
    – Improved communication with GameSpy Database
    – EU Duty Ribbon/PAC Duty Ribbon awarded correctly when all criteria are fulfilled
    – “Commander score” statistic no longer resets to zero
    – Enabled tabbing to password field when using a dedicated server
    – News Tickers Speed time to display increased
    – When scrolling through the list in Multiplayer you no longer move both at the same time as the server info
    – EMP effect on Gunships reduced from 4 to 3 seconds allows the gunship to recover when throttled up at medium altitude
    – SL drone: Tweaked the acceleration on the left right aiming for the bot. It now acquires targets properly
    – Adjusted pistols: Increased ROF Clamp values, slightly reduced damage fall off over range
    – Adjusted up the damage of the HMG rounds to counter its lower RPM
    – Adjusted and/or increased entry radius points for all vehicles
    – Removed unused RangeFinder setting from EU Walker, Titan Guns to fix the APC/Railgun/FAV draw out bug
    – Fix for latency and TV guided missiles (lowered the acceleration on the missile and fixed firing lag)
    – Fixed active camouflage to no longer offset image
    – Changed default server port to 17567
    – Update to most current PunkBuster client files

    – Reserved Slot Enhancement (Gives reserved slots the ability to be filled if not used)
    – Unranked Unlock Control (Option to give all first level unlocks and Enable/Disable control of all other unlock levels use)
    – Spectator Function

    bet the titan maps still lag like feck 🙄


    Oh great they are going to release it on Tuesday when the servers go to shit for most of the day after the ea server resets.

    Patch and server resets in the same day. Cant be a good thing.


    OK so where’s….

    “Fixed: Numerous crash to desktops”

    I don’t give a monkey’s chuff about the EMP effect on gunships – I just want to be able to play for a couple of hours without being bombed out.



    @Wipers wrote:

    OK so where’s….

    “Fixed: Numerous crash to desktops”

    I don’t give a monkey’s chuff about the EMP effect on gunships – I just want to be able to play for a couple of hours without being bombed out.


    hear hear

    XDC MadHippy

    it’s on the FTP site also. Funny thing is, It is exactly the same size as the beta patch????

    EDIT: My bad – Link is the same as McQueen


    When does the server get patched?


    Haven’t had any issues with the patch so far *fingers crossed* Anyone tested the becon drop thingame to see if you still CTD?


    I had a random CTD just before a match ended. The beacon was deployed awhile before that. Bloody fegnuggets 😡


    I had no CTD’s, but I did get disconnected from the server once. Didn’t notice much of a difference when using the pistols last night either 😕

    On a side note, there was some pretty good gaming on the server last night.


    Improved communication with GameSpy Database

    About fooking time!!


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