Say no to premium!

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  • #20232
    xdc the doc

    I am pretty pissed of with EA. They are a bunch of bastards and I am thinking I don’t need premium! Never got my moneys worth in BF3 so why do the same?

    Anyone else thinking along the same lines?

    XDC wild egg tamer

    From what I can make out having had bf3 a week it’s that premium grants you access to some extra servers though have no idea what benefits they provide and you also get some fancy dogtags which is great if you’re 12!

    I’m slowly getting into the game but some maps make the game feel more like counter strike than battlefield. Forget trying to fly, I’m too noob at it to stand any chance against the experienced flyboys out there lol.

    I’ve not looked at the different deals for bf4, what is being offered in premium and at what cost against the other packages?

    crazy hippo

    it only becomes worth while if you have to have access to different skins for your weapons or intend to play every expansion for 10s of hours each. if you dont intend to buy every expansion or are not bothered by the skins then dont get it. i wont be as i cant justify it.

    it is a joke the price which ea are setting it at. at least BF3 was better priced. they are being money grabbing dirty gits and to be honest people will pay that price. if they have the money or can find the justification then fine but most cant or wont.

    i ahve had many discussions with people, some of whom work for EA and tehy all agree that the digital price is ridiculous.

    Gary Goat

    I bought premium for BF3 because it included all the expansions and was the same price or slightly less then buying them individually. All the extras were a nice bonus on top of that.

    If BF4 premium is priced the same way and includes all expansions then i’ll buy it.


    I personally already made this stand in BF3. I refused to play into EA’s filthy extortion and as a result I stopped playing almost the instant the first expansion came out i didnt have. XDC collectively bought premium and of course wanted to try out new content and i had no intention of playing BF3 solo. So essentially your making a choice to pay 40 fucking quid to continue to play a game u have already bought (as most servers change with the expansions) or just not pay and stop. Fuck EA in their stupid asses.

    xdc the doc

    Yeah Ben. Thats kind of what i am saying – if most of XDC buy it I will buy it… but if we all decide to give it a miss there wont be issues of people being left out when the expansions appear. If we run a server we could keep it vanilla.



    I’ll not be buying it at/before launch, I’ll suck it and see as the “expansions” are released. I was pretty disppointed by the BF3 expansions, the only one I actually thought was any good and play regularly is the Epicentre/Talah Market one. All the rest were just dire.

    crazy hippo

    @Beer_Monster wrote:

    I’ll not be buying it at/before launch, I’ll suck it and see as the “expansions” are released. I was pretty disppointed by the BF3 expansions, the only one I actually thought was any good and play regularly is the Epicentre/Talah Market one. All the rest were just dire.

    i only really enjoyed vanilla, return to karkhand and endgame. the rest i didnt emjoy much at all.

    as i said the only reason to get to premium is if you know you will spend hours on every expansion and want some pretty skins for your weapons and characters. otherwise just buy the base game and the individual packs as you want.


    ….enter Max 🙂

    crazy hippo

    @Beer_Monster wrote:

    ….enter Max 🙂

    nah, hes too busy in GTA5 atm 🙂


    @Beer_Monster wrote:

    ….enter Max 🙂

    Its normally EA that enters max… From behind… With no lube… And he enjoys it.


    Fucking love EA! EA take my money take it!

    crazy hippo

    PS3 broken then Max? or you just taking a break ? 🙂


    Nope, smashing GTA 5 mate (quality game) ust waiting on BF4 beta fella then im back on.

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