seriously odd – the ross sisters

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  • #19151
    xdc magicker

    anyone else every heard of these people?

    god knows what backwater of inbred america created these genetic anomalies!!

    the action does not kick in till 0.48


    think I posted this many years ago. But worth watching again for its freakyness

    XDC wild egg tamer

    wow!!! 😯

    The fun you could have shagging them!! 😈

    xdc the doc

    Significant hypermobility in 3 sisters suggests an autosomal dominant condition – Marfans syndrome? Nothing about illness in wikipedia – but I see one died in her thities… if it was due to aortic rupture then I think that clinches the diagnosis.

    Another possibility would be Ehlers Danlos syndrome.

    xdc magicker

    i am sticking with my inbred diagnosis

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