shakespear by Bill Bryson

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  • #18250
    xdc magicker

    well after my last bill bryson book read i was going to stay away from him but I was in a hurry, it was buy one get one free and it was the only think i could see my reading form the selection in front of me

    he starts off by saying that there is bugger all known about the bard and it is shocking how anyone can write a biography based on such scant evidence and how dare they….

    … he then proceeds to write a biography based on said scant evidence…


    the front cover states that its it a laugh a minutes, clever and blah blah blah

    while it is indeed quite interesting one is left with the obvious thought…. we know fuck all about this bloke

    it is very interesting that someone so important to our culture who dies only 400 years ago and we know nothing… says alot about how little we can ever know about any historical / mythical figure

    if there were any jokes in here … i missed them


    well I read the Peter Akroyd book about Shakespeare (after all I studied with them twats at the RSC) and It was wank so I dont think I’ll pick this one up although Akroids book was pretty comprehensive (considering what is really known about him) but Bryson just thrives on “dry witt”


    Bill Bryson is a fat twat.

    And he looks like that Moores fucker too

    Double Twat then

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