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  • #19631
    crazy hippo

    The latest in the elder scrolls series got released on Friday. For those of you that are RPG fans I cannot reccomend it enough, I will be playing it for a while so bf3 will take a brief backseat till its complete or I feel the need to get shot by you lot:p


    I fancy this as well but it looks like a bit of a life eater, bf3 wins in that department at the minute,you playin it on pc or console ?


    No new games for me since bf3, even put batman on hold


    Im already in the doghouse for smashing BF3 –


    been playing it while waiting for BF3 to arrive, good game, very fallout 3’ish, nice gfx levelling is much better than Oblivion, still doesn’t have that “morrowind” feel about it but It’s alot better than Oblivion for me, only annoying thing is :

    It’s obviously a console port and the mouse buttons although you change them always reverse themselves after a restart of the game, so left hand is right hand etc . Fecking annoying but it’s a half decent game. 7/10 for me.

    Still miss the morrowing ability to create any kind of spell and mix them, made for made effects. just seems to be dumbed down since Oblivion. Dragons aren;t very hard to kill at all btw but it is cool when they are circling above you then land and the ground shakes.


    I have also really enjoyed this game, only played a few hours so far but very impressed with it. The graphics are a little rubbish, but it’s a very deep game. Will be switching between this, BF3 and eve for the forseeable future. Might even squeeze some work/family/sleep in too if I can manage it.

    crazy hippo

    what platform am i playing on?…. pfft im a pc gamer :p

    i can see it becomming a real time sink as just exploring and clearing out the dungeons i come across is taking ages. and i have barely touched the main story, although the main story isnt supposed to take very long if you just progress that and dont explore.

    the graphics are ok, nothing fantastic but not crap either, there are some niggling issues such as finding info on your character (magic effects, bonuses from gear etc)

    otherwise it seems to be a great game so far


    The other half liked the look of this, might get it her on xbox, should keep her entertained which leaves more bf3 time for me muhahaha

    crazy hippo

    Ended up in a new city (markarth) via a great incident ( won’t spoil it) and spent more time in it than I have completing some games. Some great little side stories and incidents while in there

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