Strange but true

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    Whilst playing on a COD 4 server yesterday afternoon, i had stumbled into a parralell universe – thats right, i speak the truth.

    In the server i was playing on was a bunch of guys called [XDC] thats right! not =XDC= but [XDC] – they thought i was taking the michael by having =XDC= in my name, but upon explanation, turns out, there’s another Xtremely Drunken Clan out there! Good bunch of guys aswell!

    I gave them our site, wonder if theyll stop by at any point 🙂

    I know with the amount of people that play online, another XDC clan is innevitable, but…..meh!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    that would be our Canadian branch i believe……….


    could well be the folks from Canada. But I saw something strange the other day in FH2 cant remember the name of the player correctly but he had a pair of =XDC= tags on him. Didnt even ask. Guess I should have just out of curiosity 😳
    Well if the other XDC pop on here
    Hellooo and Welcoooome 😉

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