Oh yeah, just noticed you watched it :/
Anyhoos your film knowledge could be put on a stamp, (A stamp owned by an Ant i might add) it was fuxking brill.. the tech is what batman is all about seeing as he has no superpowers, always has been always will be
you suck, and proof of this would be watching xfiles film and rating Brokeback mountain a 20 out of 10!
speaking of Fat gheys… chris Moyles.. what a prick, he was harping on about batman the other morn, and complaining about Bale’s acting as batman in the suit, “Why does he speak like that?” .. your such a fucking prick who only likes the sound of your own voice, your about as funny as cancer, why the hell do you think he talks that way! FFS .. get off the radio and go and peel spuds or summat, useless c**t!