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Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 Where were you????

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  • #15772
    XDC MadHippy

    Was in XDC TS last night and didn’t see anyone. You lot fed up with 2142 now or what? Server was quiet too.


    I was on last night, until 9ish. Bedtime during week for me. Bored fo 2142, you nuts.


    I’ve gone off war. I think war is wrong, so Battlefield 2142 is wrong.

    As Benjamin Franklin said:

    “There never was a good war, or a bad peace.”

    Although, now I think about it, that film ‘Hot Shots: Part Deux’ was a pretty good film, and that was about war. In fact, it had some good lines in it too:

    Thank you, Topper. I can kill again! You’ve given me a reason to live.

    War… it’s fantastic!

    Phew! I’m cured of my sudden aversion to war. I’ll be on the server tonight from about 6pm, ready for an extra helping of war!


    I got on the server just after 9pm and ts was rammed with XDCers but then 3 mins ov me joining everybody farked off the server and ts too.

    Was it summat i said? 🙁


    Just busy. Probably not on tonight either.


    I was writing an essay… and then got pissed… whilst surfing on our new internet!

    Porn… downloading as I work at uni… .loverly!


    I get a little bored playing some of those titan maps in conquest mode. Seems like your server’s always runnning Sidi Power Plant too? 🙂


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    I was writing an essay… and then got pissed… whilst surfing on our new internet!

    Porn… downloading as I work at uni… .loverly!

    Wanker 😛

    I was on between 8 and 9.

    Game is getting rather boringggggggg


    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    @TurksMeister wrote:

    I was writing an essay… and then got pissed… whilst surfing on our new internet!

    Porn… downloading as I work at uni… .loverly!

    Wanker 😛

    I was on between 8 and 9.

    Game is getting rather boringggggggg

    Carnt we have some BF2 action then?


    Feck off – last nights Minsk titan map was one of the best titan battles we’ve had – it went down to the wire and even at the end we weren’t sure who had won. I think after that nail biter a lot left for a break. Game getting boring indeed… 🙄 I’m still enjoying Bf2142 – and I’d rather boil my nads in molten lead than ever play another game of Bf2 again.

    I will concede though – the titan maps as conquest are a mixed bunch. Some work (Suez, Shuba Labia or whatever) and some don’t (Sidi Power Plant). But you probably notice Sidi more because its second in rotation and the regularly restarts of the server and the time the server gets full (early evening) mean you are likely to see these maps more often.


    I may well be on tonight for a bit of fighty fighty action… havent played in almost 6 weeks!


    Last nights Titan game was great, but the titan as conquest maps are dreary


    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    Titan as conquest maps are dreary

    Quoted for Truth

    I think out of game modes available this has to be the worst, it does work on some maps a Wipers has said, but generally I don’t think this works.


    @Wipers wrote:

    Some work (Suez,.

    Agreed on that map. It’s a good crack on Conquest.

    Yeah I see what you mean about Sidi. Any chance mixing the rotation up a bit then? Maybe run it in reverse order for a while?


    I remember that we used to play Gulf of Oman and that map with the Dam as 16 player back in the day on the BF2 server, and they was quite good. Sidi as 16 player with 32 of us on it might be a good laugh.

    The trouble with the vehicle maps in 2142 (and BF2) is that there is little or no organisation, and not much infantry action. Maybe we could try some of these in the smallest maps as then you’ve got less running around and normally find yourself in the thick of the action from the beginning.

    Unless you’re a massive, massive ghey most of us like playing infantry (ie city) maps the best, because there’s much more action, and less faffing around trying to get a lift, or waiting around until a vehicle spawns so you can drive it to the nearest firefight.

    Anyway, I’ve forgotten what my point was, but I think it was something along the lines of Zig Zag likes boys bottoms or something.

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