Why you should never stop for a woman in trouble…

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    The Chicago Sun-Times tells the story of Erasmo Palacios, who, after dropping off his six-year-old daughter at school, was with his wife Rocio and their 22-year-old daughter, all on their way to breakfast when they saw a woman waving her arms. Thinking she was in distress, they approached her in the car, at which point…

    Was the woman in distress?

    The city won’t return the car until the Palacios pay $4,700 in towing and storage fees.

    Pretty unbelieveable story. Imagine getting arrested as a John when you’ve got your wife and daughter in the car?


    Thats fucking disgusting.. $5 difference between Oral sex and Full! Its a joke!


    😆 😆 😆


    I ithought entrapment was ilegal in the states…


    It should be illegal over here too.. toss film!


    I thought the police couldnt bust you unless you accept the offer?

    four-aces deluxe

    wtf??? 😯

    XDC wild egg tamer

    entrapment is alive and kicking in the West End with TOCU (transport operational command unit) who were set up to enforce the no-touting rule on the vast number of illegal minicab touts working the West End and City at night………..except they haven’t been nicking the touts but instead using a form of entrapment to arrest licenced taxi drivers for touting!!! 😯

    It works like this:-

    2 plain clothes officers recently arrested a taxi driver for touting after he stopped for them thinking they were looking for a cab, these guys were both in dinner jackets standing on the corner of Old Park Lane by the metropolitan hotel seemingly looking at taxi’s as they drove past. One cabbie stopped and asked them where they were going and the 2 guys asked if Paddington Station was ok for him, he replied no problem and the 2 guys got in the cab, sat down and then produced ID and cautioned him for touting! It went to court and thankfully the judge having some common sense (sadly lacking within TOCU) threw the case out and told the officers off for wasting time and resources on an easy nick and insisted they instead use their powers to reduce the number of touts hanging around hotels like the Grosvenor House at night.

    Now, i know this is perhaps a vague example of entrapment but anyone who has done this job will know that a hail is not always made in the text book manner of one arm straight in the air whilst shouting out “taxi”, a hail to any cabbie who has been drivng longer than 5 minutes can be a mouthed “are you free/for hire?” to a wolf whistle whilst jumping frantically around like your arse is on fire, to eye contact with a potential fare who may be unsure of the correct protocol and indeed the person may have a disability than renders them unable to lift their arms or raise a hand, i’ve had people hail me by keeping their hands in their pockets but putting their thumb up in an ok gesture, better yet i had a guy with a heavy box hailing me with his leg!! (looked very funny, almost like he was trying to samba)

    My point is that these 2 muppets who are there to serve and protect the citizens of this Great city used a form of entrapment to snare a cabbie for an easy nick; why bother trying to arrest a real tout working outside the hotels or clubs in Town when they know that the guy probably has no id, is driving illegally in an unregistered vehicle and will probably not show up to court anyhow, its far easier to arrest a cabbie who they know has a licence which he doesn’t want to lose, carries his insurance docs with him and is totally legit and above board!

    The irony of all this is that where before i’d take a persons body language into consideration and stop for them, i now am more cautious as i really don’t want a criminal record for doing my job! the downside to this is that some lone women are now being passed by cabbies (a favourite a while back was using female officers to arrest us) in case they are undercover and i’m sure some of these ladies are ending up in illegal cars and no doubt sadly being assaulted 🙁

    Sorry to have gone off topic a little but this struck a cord with me as its a little too close to home. 👿

    xdc magicker

    yip they are cunts and a waste of fucking space

    great example of police use of time was last weekend – the whole of lincoln was crammed full of cops – there were stories of over 100 coppers running from a to b

    most of them were on 26 quid an hour over time – the reason? a local derby football match where no one even tried to kick off

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