Forum Replies Created
ParticipantBadger must officially be a grumpy old man
Participant@=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:
That’s a maybe Max, but we don’t have a big enough garden to keep any poultry, even a small one like that.
Oh great comeback!! ROFL etc
ParticipantAh right – I missed the bit about going to Hawaii.
I agree with Cowboy – the bloke probably doesn’t give a damn about the data. Speak to him direct?
But irrespective of whose idea it was to chose that date, just keep repeating the one solid fact that you had your date chosen first – and a long time ago at that. By any measure of reasonabless and fairness itis only right that your plans take precedence.
Or move your date forward to, say, Sept 20th
ParticipantIf your wedding is after Mark’s, why do you need to cut short your honeymoon since they get married before you? Shouldn’t it be the other way around?
Assuming you & Nat publicised your wedding plans in July last year, really the onus is on Mark to change his plans. It’s completely unreasonable that you have something set up for months that then gets usurped because favoured son does something.
I sympathise – weddings are often a political nightmare. “Family” so often lose sight of the fact that it is your day to be enjoyed, and start imposing their own little “requests” that feel like major obligations.
Seriously, the only way to stop this getting out of hand is to draw the line right now. If you back away on this, you will find more and more interference later down the line.
But you can probably only make this work if you actually go to the other wedding – surely taking just one day out of the run-up won’t completely mess up your plans?
My own wedding was fraught with “suggestions” for the guest list. I survied wthout too many noses out of joint because I got stubbon from the start. But I only got stubborn based on the experience and advice of my brother who got married some years before and who caved into the guest list suggestions. It took years to heal the resulting rift from that….
It is really delicate trying to keep everyone happy – in the end you have to put you & the future Mrs Neon first, and work from there.
ParticipantThis is a serious medical problem that you have, Neon.
You’ve turned into Max.
Get help now before it’s too late.
ParticipantI had a slightly dyslexic moment and read “XDC Rocks” as “XDc ‘R Cocks”
ParticipantI have a vague recollection that Dirk Benedict (Face) had a pretty bad time with cancer a few years ago. That may explain how he looked.
ParticipantHappy Birthday and congratulations on being the runner up on The Apprentice. I thought you should have won. Although – and no offence – the winner is a lot more attractive than you.
Participant@TurksMeister wrote:
Could make it Nottingham – then it would be shit for everyone!!
Oi , bugger off – it’s great here. No, really. Well, avoid the areas where you’ll be shot, and it’s really rather nice. Better than Derby anyway.
Tit Monday, in particular, is pretty good here. We have a high female to male ratio, apparently.
ParticipantYou could try just having one of your photos as the slide background. You can fade the image so it does not take over the presentation text.
Participant@=XDC=iNSANE wrote:
Imaginary film of something called god versus devil.. !
ParticipantHe would also stand out in a crowd, which would be a bad thing if you are evil-incarnate trying to take over the world by stealth.
Also, the devil likes a little bit of lady action – can’t see him pulling much as a gorilla. Even King King didn’t get to shag that bird he had in his hand, and that was one fine looking ape.
ParticipantYou can borrow my 3 year old son if you like. He’ s very good at jamming his fingers up my nose.
When I’m sleeping…..jeez, not a pleasant way to wake up!
Participant@airmessy wrote:
The biggest put off for me was the small windscreen. That did my head right in.
Any windscreen will do that if you crash without your seatbelt on….
ParticipantI was on a plane to the US recently, and noticed they had the first 6 episodes of Little Britain playing back to back (well, video on demand, but effectively the same).
Having never seen it, but of course hearing about it, I settled into my seat, G&T in hand, and started watching.
First episode – very funny. Thought it was really good. Some bits were less than funny, but overall a good laugh rate.
Second episode – erm, is this a repeat? It’s just the same jokes in a different order. Not nearly as funny as I had just watched Ep1.
Third episode….stopped after 5 minutes. Same jokes.
So I fell in-love and out again with LB in an hour. It really was the same jokes just rehashed. Maybe when originally shown they relied on people not remembering from one week to the next.
So, sorry, not a Little Britain fan either.