UK Road Tax – Sign it!

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    The government’s proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to
    purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use
    The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC,
    the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery
    driver. A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid
    £86 in one month.

    On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody Will
    know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been
    going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect
    NIP with your monthly bill.

    If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the car
    driver, please sign the petition on No 10’s new website.


    Done . Good find.

    The bastards will be taxing how much we fart next, as our contribution to the greenhouse gasses quota…..


    Sorry fellows, but it won’t do any good.

    The main reason that the government is introducing road pricing is because petrol is going to run out eventually, and how else are they going to charge us for using the roads if they can’t tax fuel?

    Electric cars or hydrogen fuel cells would be notoriously hard to find ways of taxing, so they’re going to charge us for the privilege of using the roads instead. But it won’t end there, in London we currently have the congestion charge, but using this system (and the governments agreement) they could introduce congestion charging ANYWHERE.

    It’s a shit situation, but from what I’ve heard the decision is already set in stone.


    Did this tuther day.. meant to post but umm.. forgot 🙁

    wanker government!!

    p.s. they can starat charging when I aint going through 8 tyre and constant punctures in a few months at £214 a tyre! *ok i get strted to get cheapo tyres coz I was sick of forking out* but its all down to the roads and certain manhole covers on my way into work!!

    I’m claiming comp for the damage done to my tures and front struts!

    go me

    crazy hippo

    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    Sorry fellows, but it won’t do any good.

    The main reason that the government is introducing road pricing is because petrol is going to run out eventually, and how else are they going to charge us for using the roads if they can’t tax fuel?

    Electric cars or hydrogen fuel cells would be notoriously hard to find ways of taxing, so they’re going to charge us for the privilege of using the roads instead. But it won’t end there, in London we currently have the congestion charge, but using this system (and the governments agreement) they could introduce congestion charging ANYWHERE.

    It’s a shit situation, but from what I’ve heard the decision is already set in stone.

    we will not be running out of petrol for a long time to come (there is a supply of opil larger than the north sea oil reserves around the Falkland Islands, but again politics is preventing it from being removed……… didnt seriously think that we went to war for nothing did you?) the only problem is the rising prices of it and the effects on the environment whcih the government is using as the reason for this legislation. secondly to all those people who run off non petrol cars, where do you think the energy is coming from to power your environmentally clean car? yes you got it another non renewable fossil fuel source is being used to make it.

    for this whole idea to work all cars should be run off electricity created from a renewable energy source, nuclear fusion anyone? hell even nuclear fission is cleaner and better for the environment that fossil fuels but the governement wont creat more nuclear plants as they are “bad” and wont be re-elected.

    this whole scheme is nothing more than another way for the governement to make another bucket load of cash and not spend it where its damn well needed.

    its a bollocks idea made by short sighted money grabbing fucktards!

    excuse the rant and my French


    So can we assume you signed the petition hippo? 😀

    crazy hippo

    i signed up in an instant. not that it will do any good, but it means i can rant about it 🙂


    Nuclear is fucking scary… creating waste that they dont know what to do with… thats just silly imho.

    crazy hippo

    nuclear fission does produce a bi-product. but so do fossil fuels. the fact that no-one immediately associates fossil fuels with a bi-product we dont mind them. technology for long term safe storage of nuclear biproducts is now so much more advanced that what it was 30 years ago (when nuclear energy programmes started in earnest). its got to be better than using the environment to store the bi-products hasn’t it?

    as for nuclear fusion, its not been able to get it working fully on a large sustainable scale but it will be and the benefit of it is that its completely safe and clean. but is the government going to put the cash from this new tax into a concerted effort to researching new clean energy sources? it will put a few hundred million into it most likely but thats just so it can say at election time “ooh look at us we are spending millions” but what are they going to do with the rest? its not even going to go back onto the road network from where it came.


    Real Causes of Road Congestion:

    National road networks
    1. Runaway capitalism pushing train ticket-prices through the roof whilst consistently keeping their standards down.
    2. Running down rail-freight and proliferating trucks on the roads.

    In towns
    1. Weirdos driving their kids to school.
    2. Building commercial developments in locations that are already developed, thus overloading the infrastructure by increasing demand.
    3. Runaway capitalism pushing bus ticket-prices through the roof whilst consistently keeping their standards down.

    The fuckin’ fucks have fuckin’ fucked it. Fuckers! 👿


    yes, I signed the petition 😀


    @Mr.Fenix wrote:

    Real Causes of Road Congestion:

    National road networks
    1. Runaway capitalism pushing train ticket-prices through the roof whilst consistently keeping their standards down.
    2. Running down rail-freight and proliferating trucks on the roads.

    In towns
    1. Weirdos driving their kids to school.
    2. Building commercial developments in locations that are already developed, thus overloading the infrastructure by increasing demand.
    3. Runaway capitalism pushing bus ticket-prices through the roof whilst consistently keeping their standards down.

    The fuckin’ fucks have fuckin’ fucked it. Fuckers! 👿

    The causes of road congestion round where I live:

    1) Scratty pink birds known locally as “Yorkshire Flamingoes” pushing their prams containing their mong babies into the roadway to get traffic to stop so they can cross the road.

    2) Teenagers dressed like cunts who once saw a f*cking rap video on MTV and suddenly think they are 6’5” ‘bros who grew up in the projects in Brooklyn, NYC and think that not stopping for traffic to cross the road makes them look “the shit”. If anyone can actually tell me why these verminous shitsticks think this – I’d like to hear it, cos I’ll be fucked if I know.

    3) Lard arses. Nothing specific here, but you got to have a pop at them whenever you can, it’s only fair. I dunno, maybe the salad dodging buffet slayer took 5 minutes to haul his or her fat arse across the road to the burger van. Something like that anyway.

    4) Theme pubs and chain pubs. You can’t just wander down to your boozer anymore can you – no you can’t. Well you could if you wanted to drink blue and pink bottles of tart fuel all night and listen to men complaining about how their fucking topshop credit card is maxed out. Christ on a crutch, lost for words. I’ve just one question for these blokes who have credit cards for clothes shops – do you get your bollocks chopped off and have “bird” branded on your arse before or after you get your girly credit card. Unbelievable. I once actually met a lad who admitted to having one, needless to say that for the safety and integrity of my own tea towel holder I gave him a wide berth from thereon in. So anyway my point is that you’ve got to drive halfway across the bloody country these days to find a half decent pub, then you run into a bus load of grannies on the way home because your shitfaced and it’s suddenly your fault that people died and roads got closed – wait a minute, I didn’t tear down the local and put the effing Blue Oyster Bar up in it’s place!

    5) Ugly birds. Times were that you’d get to the pub and you’d already have enough stored in the wank bank to get home and burp the sea slug.
    “Bloody hell, it’s 10 past 6 lad, where’ve you been?”
    “Ah, sorry mate – missed the scum shovel and the next one was delayed by 10 minutes. Still it was worth it because there was some right blart on the one I caught. Tell you, I’m ready to go home and relax in a gentlemans way already. Fucking hell, look at the legs on this one coming in now…”
    “Bloody hell, it’s 10 past 6 lad, where’ve you been?”
    “Ah, sorry mate – missed the scum shovel and the next one was delayed by 10 minutes”
    “Still, bet there was some decent tarty bit to look at?”
    “You must be ‘kin joking mate, not these days. Just Yorkshire Flamingoes and fat bloaters.”
    “Yeah, you might as well drive everywhere from now on. If only these young birds today weren’t such munters people might actually relieve congestion by catching the bus to get a gander at ‘em”
    “Yeah, you’re not wrong there. Ah shit, breathe in fella, these fat knackers who’ve just come in look like they need to get past….”

    XDC wild egg tamer

    its an incredible world you live in soia…………..i must visit it sometime 😆



    It’s getting to be a pretty close race between SOIA and Old Phart as to whom gets my vote at the next election.


    SOIA wins for best description of an arsehole

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