Wish me luck boys

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    probaly a bit late by now, but good luck mate!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


    Probably waaay to late now, but best of luck m8 🙂


    Cheers lads, second interview will be soon 8)


    Pharty, if something comes up and you can’t make the second interview then let me know and I’ll go in your place. I’m pretty good at accents, and we’re about the same height and complexion, so with some glasses and some red trousers I’m sure they won’t be able to tell us appart.

    “Good day me fair dinkum pom poms. It’s I, Sir Sean McPhartsburgh from Sidney. Well I’m right proper happy to be getting me second interview. Yeeha! I’m rootin’ tootin’ right for this job. etc.”

    Obviously if you do get the job then you’ll have to pay me 25% of your net pay.


    How did it go then, Pharts?

    Hopefully it was less embarrassing than some of the interviews I’ve conducted in the past.

    A couple of years ago I was trying to hire software engineers. An agency sent through a CV that looked fine, so we got the bloke in. After a few minutes of preliminary pleasantries I started drilling down into his C++ and COM knowledge.

    Glazed look. Mumbled reply.

    OK, I thought, maybe he’s a bit nervous. Try again. Looking down at his CV I ask “Can you tell me about how SystemX worked – what were the major components that defined the system?”

    …..rabbit-in-headlights look. “Errr………”

    I then ask “It says here that you worked on it for two years at XYZ company recently”.


    I show him the CV. “This is you, Robert Jones?”

    “Yes – but that’s not my CV. I’m not a programmer – I’m a systems support engineer”.

    A phone call to the agency followed – the fucking idiots mixed the CV’s up wasting both his time (he travelled nearly 100 miles for the interview) and ours.

    And then there was the guy who listed on his interests “Lucid dreaming”.

    And the chap that comes into the office and the first thing he says is “Fuck me, but your secretary has got a nice arse!”. Kind of funny, but not entirely appropriate, especially as fiance of said secretary is on the the interview panel.



    I have failed every interview I have been to.

    Go me!


    I’m reminded of the last internal interview I went for where after (well so I thought) doing really well with the questions I’d been asked the interviewer said,’Right, now for something a bit different. If you could be a super hero who would you be?’
    Can’t quite remember what I said but I was thinking along the lines of someone with the ability to stop people asking me bloody stupid question…I didn’t get the job but it’s all political. Ha.


    @TurksMeister wrote:


    I have failed every interview I have been to.

    Go me!

    I have had a job offer from every interview since I arrived in the UK. But I make quite an effort in preparing, doing research, making ready answers to the inevitable questions etc etc.

    Neon, you should have let me know, the you could have done the Numeric and Verbal reasoning tests for me, and the 3 hours of interviews too, you farking welshman 😛


    I really hope this goes well for you mate.


    I’m reminded of the last internal interview I went for where after (well so I thought) doing really well with the questions I’d been asked the interviewer said,’Right, now for something a bit different. If you could be a super hero who would you be?’
    Can’t quite remember what I said but I was thinking along the lines of someone with the ability to stop people asking me bloody stupid question…I didn’t get the job but it’s all political. Ha.

    Mate, it’s quite an important question to answer well when applying for The Justice League job.


    @=XDC=Erratic-Space wrote:

    I’m reminded of the last internal interview I went for where after (well so I thought) doing really well with the questions I’d been asked the interviewer said,’Right, now for something a bit different. If you could be a super hero who would you be?’
    Can’t quite remember what I said but I was thinking along the lines of someone with the ability to stop people asking me bloody stupid question…I didn’t get the job but it’s all political. Ha.

    The correct way to answer that question would be to quickly glance around you and then lean forward, locking eyes with the interviewer and in a hushed but serious tone say;

    “How did you know I was a superhero?”


    lol @ Neon


    @=XDC=NeonSamurai wrote:

    The correct way to answer that question would be to quickly glance around you and then lean forward, locking eyes with the interviewer and in a hushed but serious tone say;

    “How did you know I was a superhero?”

    a gem if only I ever went for a job interview and got asked that question 8)

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