2012 olympics logo………..wtf!!

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  • #16574
    XDC wild egg tamer

    wtf is this about ? kinda looks like Lisa Simpson giving Mr.Burns a blow job or summat 😯

    joking aside, did they really pay out 400k for this complete pile of wank ? Is it mean’t to be hip and “in” with the kids ? looks more like circa 1982 than 2012!! i mean what were they thinking ? It gives out the message that graffiti art is acceptable (i’m assuming its mean’t to be a graffiti tag type design) but no where does it describe what its actually about!

    some of the comments put it more succinctly than i ever could…….




    Suits all you fairys down south if you ask me!

    p.s. Dunno what Simpsons you watch but I really REALLY cant see that.. and I’m shit hot at finding pictures in those picture finding things that used to be the in thing a few years back!


    Pah! The South’s dead hard Insane. We’re the ones who won all the wars and gave the world tough guys like John Inman, Larry Grayson, Danny Le Rue and that nerdy bloke from the Yakult adverts who talks about bacteria at a dinner party, although I actually met him at a party in RL and he was off his face on coke and a total wanker.

    And what’s the North’s contribution to Britian?

    The Chuckle Brothers

    That’s all. So don’t go mocking our olympic slogan that cost more than a hospital wing, is in the gheyest colours imaginable and looks like it was clipped from a page of Smash Hits circa 1987. It’s perfectly capable of mocking itself simply by its very existence, thank you very much.

    xdc magicker


    this sucks – i hope you have all



    some of the alternatives


    are great

    XDC wild egg tamer

    there ya go…….neon has said it much better than i ever could………….damn wordsmiths! 😉

    @wibblewobble insane wrote:

    Dunno what Simpsons you watch but I really REALLY cant see that

    the zero of the 20 with the olympic rings inside could be Lisa’s head, the 12 is her body with the first left corner being her knees………….

    maybe it’s just me having dirty thoughts of Lisa Simpson……….


    in no way would i have serious dirty thoughts of Lisa Simpson, firstly she’s an animated character so thats a no go in my book unless your called insane or legit and secondly she is a representation of an under age girl and thats a definite no go…………. 8)


    This logo

    is fucking shit

    XDC wild egg tamer

    wise words mate, wouldn’t have expected anything else!! 😀

    this one ain’t bad………….i can’t believe coe and his fuckwit mob actually paid 400k for the official logo………..which they know say is gonna evolve as the games get nearer ie,
    @seb coe, former runner and now a ballbag politician who sucks ken livinstone off for lunch wrote:

    “yeah ok, we know its crap and we fucked up but we are gonna sort it out by spending either some of your money or else private sponsorship moolah to replace it at some point nearer the time assuming we get the fucking thing ready on time and the French stop pulling silly faces and calling us names”

    this one is pretty good, probably thought up and created in some artisitc chaps office over lunch…….

    jeez, even the kids who these “organisers” are trying to “reach out to” with their hip design have more imagination than these dickheads….

    soz guys, i really am fired up about the whole olympics thing, its a complete waste of time, its costing a fortune which as a Londoner i have to contrbute to, we will be lucky to have it ready on time, we still have people in london who think the Mayor is doing a good job regardless of all the fuckups he’s done so far and the money he’s cost London and then they bring out a shite logo which i could have knocked up with paint shop pro in a few hours…………..jeez, i need to sleep i think! 😉

    gonna go lie down in a dark room. 8)


    “The origin of the Olympic Logo?”

    sorry had to laugh 😆

    XDC wild egg tamer

    lol, yeah saw that too………..


    heres what the b3tans had to say:


    XDC wild egg tamer

    lmao…………..2012, London the city of chavs welcomes you to the olympics 😉




    I liked this comment from the BBC website:

    It looks like a cubism picture of a woman with big hair and numerous earings on her knees pleasuring a guy wearing a London t-shirt

    Anyway WET – you should be happy. Think of all those foreign types looking for taxi rides in 2012. You’ll make a killing.


    lol Spunker.


    😆 😆 😆

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