A good evenings killing

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    Some good games on the server tonight , was good fun πŸ™‚


    Dominated by the Turks “McSnipe” Meister!

    One Flag, one defender, and a chopper load of yanks… sniped the first from afar, shot the second with the pistol, got the third who junped from the chopper on to my claymore, and sniped the pilot – stole the chopper, did a victory circle giving the two finger salute, got shot down and Wipers ran me over!

    von smallhousen

    lmao turks, you should have battlerecoder running on your server, it does dish up some (almost-unbelievable) better than hollywood action sometimes.

    those tales you tell your mates down the pub, “i was stood there and I shot and eryx missile through the open hatch in a full black hawk, it passed straight through and took out a friendly jet”
    …and they sit there and go ..”yeah, right, noob-dar has picked up a large blip – god thats the biggest noob I’ve ever seen!”


    Yeh… why dont we have recorder on?


    Yeah, GG last night.

    Still remeber when I was in my Commander Screen, deciding where to drop my next arty strike, when there was an explosion and a chopper full of my men landed on my head!

    I have to admit I was perplexed lol.


    @TurksMeister wrote:

    Yeh… why dont we have recorder on?

    Taken off Clanforge…

    Warning: Enabling BattleRecorder can cause lag and is NOT recommended for servers over 24 players

    XDC wild egg tamer

    the =256= server has it running and all seems fine…………most odd!


    Gah three times in a row now that I’ve sat on the server for nearly 20 mins so that it gets going, for it to crash 10 mins later…….

    πŸ˜• πŸ˜₯


    Also from Multiplay…

    BattleField 2 – v1.3 crash issue update
    Jun 20 2006 19:17:47 by Killing
    I’m sure all BF2 players are aware of the bugs introduced by the v1.3 patch.
    Since the plan for the next patch, detailed on the recent community update, indicates that any resolution to this is still some way off we have been considering our options over the past few days. The result of this is that, although not Officially authorised by EA / Dice, we now feel its the least we can do to enable you our valid customers to choose which version of BF2 server you want to run.

    So until the crash issues are resolved you will be able to run v1.22 if you choose.

    Note: Not all mods / maps are compatible with v1.22 e.g. all Armored Fury maps require v1.3, please keep that in mind if you have any issues starting your server with the v1.22 addon selected.


    Red Orchestra is a nice game πŸ™‚

    von smallhousen

    nice day for a tommy tank


    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Red Orchestra is a nice game πŸ™‚

    Let me guess… it’s a real mans game, its got gore, one shot kills.. yada yada.. blah blah.. πŸ™„

    Anyway ‘sane, how come you’re such a big RO ho all of a sudden? Bored with BF?


    Yeah, whats a matter with you! Come back to BF2. I will be tonight, once I fit me new parts.


    @Wipers wrote:

    @=XDC=iNSANE wrote:

    Red Orchestra is a nice game πŸ™‚

    Let me guess… it’s a real mans game, its got gore, one shot kills.. yada yada.. blah blah.. πŸ™„

    Anyway ‘sane, how come you’re such a big RO ho all of a sudden? CRAP AT BF?

    Fixed it fer ter Wipey


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    Yeah, whats a matter with you! Come back to BF2. I will be tonight, once I fit me new parts.

    Max fixin his own PC???

    The farking Etch’n’Sketch slut couldna’ fix a farking bent spoon. He will be on the forums tomorrow morning bitching about how fooked his PC is. I can already see him now doing that Fat German Kid impersonation.

    “GRRFFARRGGG Ik vill spielen!!!!!!!!! GDERΓƒΖ’Γ†β€™ΓƒΒ’Γ’β€šΒ¬Γ…Β‘ΓƒΖ’Γ’β‚¬Ε‘Γƒβ€šΓ‚Β£$%^&*()@”

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