battlefield 2142 for the mac.. wtf

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  • #16626
    xdc magicker

    Games giant Electronic Arts were also on stage to announce a series of titles that would be released for the Mac.

    The latest Harry Potter game, Battlefield 2142, Tiger Woods, Need for Speed Carbon and Madden are all to be released for the plaform, in major boost to gaming on Macs.

    what the hell is the world coming too… on the other hand will they be able to join normal servers?? it would be funny as fuck to spend all day and night hunting down mac owners and shooting the fuck out of their gay designer style conscious butts.

    i think all mac clients should have an apple above their heads to you can get that extra satisfaction from picking on them


    Old news – all kinds of games have been ported to Mac – heck I even used to play Battlefield 1942 on my Mac Mini back in 2005… :O Back then though it was another company doing the ports, this is possibly a first for the original PC developer to do it I guess :O


    Battlefield with the mighty mouse? No thanks.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    its also being developed for the Korean market……………i wonder if their gonna leave the same bugs in the game we have to suffer, thats sure to freak out any decent mac user out there 😉


    Games giant Electronic Arts were also on stage to announce a series of titles that would be released for the Mac.

    The latest Harry Potter game, Battlefield 2142, Tiger Woods, Need for Speed Carbon and Madden are all to be released for the plaform, in major boost to gaming on Macs.

    “Thing is,every year we just release the same old shite for the PC and just change the name slightly, update the team sheets and crap like that and add a cartload of gamebreaking bugs into the mix for a laugh. It’s become a bit of an in house competition here! How many bugs can you leave in a game until people stop buying them?! Quite surprisingly it seems that there is just no end to the shit that Joe public will put up with so we thought what the hell – why don’t we fleece the Mac users as well! We did worry that people with Macs might not put up with the huge steaming turds we inflict upon them but when it comes down to it we’ve ripped enough cash of the PC bozos to make up for any losses.” is what an EA PR person no doubt would have been quoted as saying from his private island had we gone over to ask him.

    Interesting stuff.

    xdc magicker

    well this is typd in Safari!!! omg i feel sooo gay right now

    adsf < well the spell checker does not work... and it renders fonts funny i can barely read this!! hmm there is a menu option for spelling but it does not seem to work – well it is only a beta i guess in my highly specific speed test i have just asked firefox and safari to fetch the radio4 home page… still waiting for safari… hmmm


    Just using Safari myself, quite like it apart from the fact it doesn’t display half of my favorite website correctly, oh well it was nice to dream!!!!, I don’t know where they get the “It’s faster than I.E and Firefox by upto 42%” what a complete load of bollox.


    well this is typd in Safari!!! omg i feel sooo gay right now

    adsf < well the spell checker does not work... and it renders fonts funny i can barely read this!! hmm there is a menu option for spelling but it does not seem to work – well it is only a beta i guess in my highly specific speed test i have just asked firefox and safari to fetch the radio4 home page… still waiting for safari… hmmm

    I can read it ok.. no idea wtf your waffling on about though :/

    If I was on Safari, I wouldnt have time to post on forums!

    xdc magicker

    ahhh Safari.. So ghey’ee


    @sickofitall wrote:

    Games giant Electronic Arts were also on stage to announce a series of titles that would be released for the Mac.

    The latest Harry Potter game, Battlefield 2142, Tiger Woods, Need for Speed Carbon and Madden are all to be released for the plaform, in major boost to gaming on Macs.

    “Thing is,every year we just release the same old shite for the PC and just change the name slightly, update the team sheets and crap like that and add a cartload of gamebreaking bugs into the mix for a laugh. It’s become a bit of an in house competition here! How many bugs can you leave in a game until people stop buying them?! Quite surprisingly it seems that there is just no end to the shit that Joe public will put up with so we thought what the hell – why don’t we fleece the Mac users as well! We did worry that people with Macs might not put up with the huge steaming turds we inflict upon them but when it comes down to it we’ve ripped enough cash of the PC bozos to make up for any losses.” is what an EA PR person no doubt would have been quoted as saying from his private island had we gone over to ask him.

    Interesting stuff.

    Should go luxury Island bashing


    IE7 FTW!


    2142 on the Mac? Well I’m going to get that fucker working again on my PC, just so I can lay some smackdown on some Quark Express using Apple fanboy, particularly since Apple started their whole “I’m a Mac and I’m a PC” campaign.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like Macs. I think that they’re a good piece of kit, look trendy and come in nice colours, a bit like those Smart cars. However, people who drive smart cars know when to shut the fuck up, unlike the majority of Mac users and Apple themselves:

    “Somebody tripped over my powercord and sent me crashing to the ground”

    “My powercord unplugs easily”

    So just because some people do not possess the bare minimum IQ to do things like talk, breath or put things where people can’t trip over them Apple have built a machine around them? I’m sorry but if it’s reached the point where computer equipment has to be manufactured so that the lowest common denominators can type emails to Gary Bushell without killing themselves then it’s time to give up on the human race. Forget it. It’s over.

    Can you imagine a future filled with nothing but Mac users, drinking whichever drink is currently in vogue, in whatever current drinking establishment is fashionable, giving trendy opinions about whatever’s the zeitgeist of the hour. You wanna see what the future’s going to be like if everyone buys Macs, well here you go:

    Everyone sitting around, discussing what they read in the Guardian and drinking something they read about in Time Out. Well here’s what the future’s going to be if we all buy PC’s:




    I didn’t say it was going to be a better future. Just that there would be more girls, bikinis and guns.


    mmmm. We can take them on the Luxury island bashing tour 🙂


    LMAO @ Neon 😆

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