BF2142 hacks….

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  • #15524
    XDC wild egg tamer

    hiya all, i’ve been doing a bit of searching around after seeing a post in another forum about hacks etc and without trying too hard came across this site………

    and this video……..

    Apparently the hacks are able to deceive punkpuster though i don’t know how common they are……….just thought i’d post so that peeps are aware of whats out there.
    Personally i can’t see the attraction in playing a game with hacks, players appear in odd colours for easy identification, the satisfaction of getting a kill over someone else must be greatly reduced and the whole element of fun must surely be taken out of the game 🙄

    For obvious reasons i’ve only posted this in the private section.

    ok, just been looking around youtube and i’ve found a few videos of glitches……..

    the core exploit….

    wall hacks

    i’m sure theres a whole more exploits out there and hopefully the ones here were sorted with the last patch but just be awares of these retards on our server.


    🙁 Theres always some sad twat, who has to cheat, but as you said WET, cant see the fun in it.


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    🙁 Theres always some sad twat, who has to cheat, but as you said WET, cant see the fun in it.

    Messy, where is that piccy you have of black kettles and pots?


    Surely must be unranked server?

    Sad cunts!

    you own

    Fuck you own you cheating twat!


    XDC MadHippy

    This is probably single player. Everytime they release a new hack punkbuster will find a way to spot it. That pisses off all the cheatin coonts who have paid top dollar for a cheat that won’t work 😆

    Anyone found maxines account on that webby? 🙄


    I’ve heard that Max’s hacks are actually written into the code of the Battlefield series and are therefore not recognised as a ‘cheat’. He managed to get this done by blackmailing the EA chirman with some uncompromising photographs.


    Continuous anti-titan missiles is something that could pull me over to the dark side 😈


    That explains this screenshot I took the other day as I thought it looked odd:

    This is post-patch, so at least the supply crate hack is still available.

    Commander’s name is just visible in the screenshot – [EA]BradyUK


    Check out the tag on the right hand side of Lensmans pic! Who ever the commander was, surely he can be identified through EA and that pic?


    That explains this screenshot I took the other day as I thought it looked odd:

    that would be your graphics card fella 😆

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