Conspiracy or cock-up?

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    Reading this morning’s papers and listening to the radio & TV, I’ve noticed that all the media is referring to Thursday’s events as the “alleged plot”.

    And now there is an article in the Mail (sorry!) about how the case against these alleged plotters could be screwed up by politicians:

    So, I ask, was Thursday a big cock-up or a real conspiracy and a genuine threat?

    I just think that the media know or suspect more than is being said yet, hence their caution.



    well in the police’s defense they didn’t accidently shoot someone this time 🙄


    You not think you needed a reminder that we in a war on terror? maintain the momentum to keep public (all be it gullable) opinion on your side. Justify the use of violations of civil rights (Big brother) whilst perpetuating an underlying hatred for what our 2 gay friends Bush and Blair and their croneys want us to see as the enemy. Throw in a bit of spin and cause a bit of concern that these people will get off scot free and the public will take the bait. “No NO! these people cannot go free there must be stricter controls!” (well done public, you hold the gun the OTHER way round!)

    Bla bla bla bored of the bullshit. Glad Im in Spain and away from the arsehole Alliance(axis) of Power

    PS the daily mail is a conservative sponsored paper. Anything the labour party does is generally outrageous to them 🙄


    what spunker said….although i feel its wrong to consider it as a conspiracy theory……the days of the conspiracy theory are well and truly over imho.

    there are no conspiracy theories anymore…….as the lies we are told are so glaringly obvious……thay are more smokescreens on top of smokescreens in the vain hope people will forget about the original point.

    its just news…..that replaces the news that the governments wish to have off the front pages……so they drum up some bullshit……arrest mysterious people…..produce a bottle of 7up with a wire sticking from the top…..and turn it out as as evidence of a plot.


    “I just think that the media know or suspect more than is being said yet, hence their caution.”

    I think it is more likley that actually the media knows sod all and do not wish to venture too far down any path in case it turns out to be a load of tosh. Considering the amount of stories and pure fiction that is printed in most papers, and the often poorly informed (though I hasten to add not all) and biased reporting it is hardly surprising that conspiracy theories abound. it is in our nature to gossip and the more devious and underhand the rumour, the more likley many people are to listen to it. Though I fully see the need for the “free media” In my opinion the media in general does not take enough responsibility with its role in informing people or in the way in which it goes about doing this, the news of the world at the moment is a prime example of this…. eerm may be ranting off the topic here as I only just got up so I’ll stop 🙄

    four-aces deluxe

    I think they are talking about alledged plots because none of those arrested had bought plane tickets yet. I’m not sure if they had produced any of these liquid explosives either.
    I can’t really understand what the plot was because for more than a year you’ve had to put plastic bottles through some kind of detector anyway.
    I think even the press are a bit more wary this time since the armed response teams started gunning down innocents after watching too much ’24’.
    Maybe its a legal thing – that they can’t prejudge someone before they are tried but I don’t think that stopped them in the past.
    I hope so, so much that the two aren’t connected – in fact find it almost impossible to believe – but the criticisms of Blair’s response to the Lebanon thing have subsided. I don’t believe the two could be connected but since Bush stole two elections and blatently invaded a sovereign nation along with Blair and that gangster Mussolini, sorry Burlesconi’s help, my sense of what is plausible has been warped somewhat.

    von smallhousen

    so what exactly do you do with 23 alleged suspects, what do you charge them with?

    then whats gonna happen? They go back to their country’s and then forge greater plans for mass disruption.

    I wish the papers would stop giving them ideas, like announcing “yeah it would be easy to smuggle a bomb onboard a plane in a liquid form” .. terrorists take note.
    “yeah, officials say a bomb concealed inside a babys head would be easily undectecable to airport secuirty” … terrorists take note.
    “Daily Mail smuggles fake bomb onto Easy Jet, no check no questions just pure bomb hilarity” … terrorists take note.

    We only have the papers to thank for exposing our weaknesses even more. Why can’t they work for the good of the country, or better still why dont terrorists target our media liars, preferablly when theres nobody in the building of course.


    Fuckin A Vonnie!

    lets shut the papers up! fecking wankers!!!


    If people as stupid as the newspaper journalists can think of these things, you can be damned sure that terrorists will too. Whether or not they publish makes absolutely no difference.

    von smallhousen

    yeah I see that Lens, but the papers openly declare weaknesses in our security.

    why dont they do some good fib telling, like one day print a story that says, “man we tried to smuggle a fake bomb onboard a plane and we got the shit kicked out of us. those guys knew we were coming a mile away”


    Fair point! 🙂

    The problem for the newspapers is that success stories don’t sell papers. That’s why as a society our media thrives (largely) on failure.

    von smallhousen

    yeah, you’re right. It’s a shame. sigh


    you could soak chemicals into say a book – that would go undetected then hopefully it isnt bashed much at all , but you could then smash the book against a window and depressurise the plane

    where there is a will there is a way security cant stop everything . . .


    But since it would be you the bomber who would be the closest to the broken window, you would just get sucked against the hole and end up mainly blocking it!

    If it were a game of snooker or pool, that would be akin to the white dropping in a pocket after sinking the black.

    I can’t think what kind of explosive would soak into pages and be detonated by impact, but I’m no expert.

    Is this what publishers mean by “the explosive new blockbuster!!”? 🙂


    LOL ah man that made my night 😆

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